Haunted House

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"Come on its gonna be fun" I said to them. I've been trying to convince the triplets to go to a haunted house with me. I've heard from friends that's it's the "scariest one they've ever been to", ever since I've heard that I've wanted to go.

"What are you talking about that's going to be terrible" Chris said sipping his Pepsi. "I think it's will be fun" Matt said. "Here's someone who has tasted" I said pointing at Matt and yelling at the others. "Fine, it if we get killed it's your fault." Nick said. "Do I get no say in this" Chris said. "Nope" I said smiling.

• • • •

"Are we ready to go" I asked them. "Yep" they all said, they were all sitting on the couch looking at their phones. "Let's go" I said walking towards them more, I grabbed Chris and Matt's hands and yanked them from the couch.

"Jeez you couldn't have waited 20 seconds for us to get up" Chris asked. "Nope" I said, I turned to nick who was still on his phone, I was ready to yank his hand when he looked at me and shot up from the couch. "I'm up, I'm up" he said. "Let's go!" I said.

I got to sit in the front seat because I was the one with the directions and meaning I also got to pick the music. They hated my music taste, they said it was to "old". I got my music taste from my dad, all 80s stuff.

It took up about 40 minutes for up to get to the haunted house. Once we got out of the car there was a bunch of scare actors walking around with masks and face paint on them. One of them jumped out and scared Chris and he screamed like a little girl. We all tried to hold in our laugh as best as we could but we ended up letting out uncontrollable laughs. "That wasn't funny, that dude was really scary."

I ordered the tickets online so we didn't have stand in line and wait 30 minutes to order tickets. We did have to stand in the line to get into the haunted house, the line wasn't has long as I expected, but it was enough to keep us waiting and let us have a conversation. Once we got to the front of the line we showed the guy our tickets and he let us in.

When we first walked in there was smoke and spider webs covering every wall, fake and real people standing in corners everywhere we turned. A person covered in fake blood and was missing a leg jumped out of his spot and we all jumped and ran as he chased us, once we finally lost him we look a second to catch our breath.

"That's why I didn't want to go" Chris said to us. "Oh calm down it's fun, let's go" I said to them and I started walking away, them following behind. The next room was bright red and was still covered in spider webs but this room was covered in fake chains,  there was a box by the door on the other end, I knew there was something that was going to pop out of it so I made Chris go first. "You go Chris" I said as I pushed him in front. He just looked back at me in horror, but he still kept going.

Once he got to the box a girl who looked like a doll jumped out and said "I'm coming for you!" The 3 boys all screamed and ran and I laughed at them and chased after them. "Hey wait up" I said to them and I chased them down a hallway. They finally stoped once they got to another room that was covered in wood and had stools and tables all in it, making it hard for us to get out of the room.

Right when we were about to leave they room we heard a big bang come from the other side of the room, it was a closet. And I big man, around 6'2 in a lumberjack outfit and was carrying a fake axe started to make his way towards us. We all ran and fast as we could, doing every twist and turn you could think of, and we was still in our tail just as we as he was when we first started running away from him.

Finally we could see the exit, the lumberjack was still on our tail but he was starting to slow down, we were about 10 seconds from the exit and Nick screamed "never again Y/N"

I though it was fun, it was pretty fun to see them all get scared and run away .

Might post 2 tonight, probably gonna finish this book at 40 chapters then I'm gonna start my Johnny Lawrence book💗💗

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