Old Memories Pt 2

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I opened my phone and opened instagram. I really didn't know if this was the right thing to do. It would be really great to meet them again and get caught up on what they've been doing since they've moved. I searched up their name "Sturniolo Triplets". God what was I doing, i started typing.

Hey guys! I'm not sure if you remember me, I hope you do. It's Y/N, we were all friends when you just started YouTube till you moved full time to LA, I don't know if you guys are still in LA, or if you moved back to Boston. But if you guys did end up moving back it would be really great to grab a cup of coffee and catch up!

I called my daughter in the room as I was reading through the message. "What's up" she asked. "Is this ok to say." I asked her handed my phone to her. "No way your actually gonna message them, that's great!" She said to me. I smiled at her as she moved her eyes away from me and to my phone. "Yeah it seems good" she said to me, handed my phone back. I looked at my phone one more time then sending the message.

3 days later.

The triplets still haven't answered or even looked at my message, I wasn't really expecting them to. I'm sure they have other things to do other then being on Instagram. I was cleaning the kitchen and listening to Motley when I got a notification from my phone. I turned my head to my phone while dancing to my music.

I danced towards my phone when I saw that it was a Instagram notification, I stopped dancing and turned my music off. I pressed the notification and unlocked my phone. It was from the triplets. I was in shock, I didn't know what to do. I read the message.

Oh my gosh I can't believe it's you, we have been trying to find your Instagram for a while because we wanted to catch up, we moved back to Boston the year we stopped doing YouTube and it would be so great to grab a cup of coffee, we have missed you so much. It would be easier to just text us, this is Nicks number. 1234-567-890

I smiled as I read the message. I liked the message as I went to go put Nicks number in my phone, I texted them, I'm so glad you guys got to message me back, when do you think we could be able to catch up?

I knew it was going to be faster for them to reply since it was their number and not just their instagram, I turned my music back on and went back to clean the kitchen. My daughter walked in to the kitchen as saw me dancing, I danced over to her and grabbed her hand and pulled her in to dance with me, while I was dancing with her I said "the triplets messages me back, were going to make plans to get coffee" while jumping around. "Oh my god mom that's great" she said over the music as she hugged me and we jumped together.

•  •  •  •

I parked my car outside the coffee shop, the triplets and I decided that we would meet up this weekend and we would do it at this little coffee shop just by their parents house, I have t been on this side of town in years. There isn't much around here.

I sit in my car resting my head on the steaming wheel, I was 10 minutes early, I wanted to be early just in case, I'm always early. My parents were always late to any family gathering and it would be embarrassing and I told myself that I wouldn't do that to myself. I had 3 minutes until they said they would be their so I took the keys out of the ignition and got out of the car. I walked up onto the sidewalk and to the door. Their was a bell that chimed everytime you open it of close it.

The coffee shop was cute, small, smelt like amazing, expensive coffee. Their wasn't many people their, only 2 sets of couples and one girl who was probably in highschool that was studying. I sat down at one of the tables that had 4 chairs. I really didn't know how this was going to go down, I knew nothing bad was going to happen. I knew we were just going to talk but I was nervous, really nervous. The sound of the bell of the door caught me out of the thoughts.

Sorry I haven't been posting. I've just been really busy. It's also my birthday in 5 days💅💅

Rn I have a huge crush on Nikki Sixx in the 80s

Rip Johnny Lawrence era.

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