Not The Same Anymore

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You were sitting in you car looking at the message from an unsaved number over and over again. You couldn't believe what it said and you thought it was a sick joke but no.

"Hey Y/N, this is Amanda, Joe's girlfriend. I've been thinking and I think it's best if you don't come to Joe's party tonight. I've seen the way you look at him and interact with him and frankly it's disrespectful to our relationship and me especially. I don't appreciate how close you two are and how flirty you are with him. So I think it's best if you didn't show. But if you decide to come, know we have security and they know not to let you in."

You felt humiliated, shocked, angry and hurt. You thought his girlfriend liked you. You and Joe have been really good friends since Ohio State and always ,he made an effort to include you in his life even after he made it big. You hadn't seen him in almost a year now due to his busy schedule though. You had been excited all week to go to the party he was throwing at his house, which he never did. You hadn't seen him in such a long time and you had just gotten in your car to drive over there when you had received that message.

After a moment of trying to comprehend what happened you decided to still go out anyways. The night was still young and you were dressed up. You didn't want this to ruin your night. Pissed off, you ended up at your bestfriends house. "Y/N?" Your best friend asks in confusion. "I thought you were going to Joe's Party?" She asks. You don't say anything but show her your phone. She reads the text and her jaw drops. "What the fuck? Oh, Y/N I'm so sorry. That's awful, what the hell is her problem?!" She says ushering me inside. "I feel like an idiot, I thought she was cool with me. Why would she do this? Especially the night of the party?" I ask. "Cause she's a total insecure bitch." Your best friend says making you laugh.

"C'mon, I'll get dressed and we can hit up some bars in downtown!" She says patting my back. "Yeah, I really need that." You nod giving her a small smile. You wait a little while for her to get ready. You sat on her couch debating on texting Joe some lame excuse about not being able to make it but honestly, he probably won't even care that you ended up not showing up. Your best friend finally finishes getting ready and you split an uber between the both of you to downtown.

We make our way to the first bar which wasn't too packed with people and we order our first drinks. "So, tell me how'd that date with what's his face go?" I ask my best friend. "It was good, we ended up going back to mine." She says blushing. " Oooo... was he good?" i wiggle my eyebrows. "I'm still sore..." she says and I squeal in excitement making her blush and laugh. "I'm so happy for you girl, he is super cute!" I say sipping my drink. "How about you? No one new?" she asks. "Nah. Works been so busy this is literally my first night out since we went out for Jackie's birthday! "I shake my head.

"Do you...still know who?" she frowns. "I...don't know. I don't think I do, it's been so many years. He's obviously been dating other people & I think he sees me as a sister so it's not like that would ever work." I shake my head. "So that's a..yes that you still like him. Maybe, if that's the case then it's best that you didn't go to the party tonight after all, I know you're friendship with Joe means a lot to you but if you deep down have feelings for him, seeing him date anyone else is just going to ruin you for the rest of your life." She says. "Yeah, maybe so." I shrug taking another sip of my drink feeling embarrassed that you just basically admitted to still having a crush on someone from college.

The night goes on and we bar hop through the night. Meeting up a few people we know and around 12am at a crazy loud bar, you notice a few missed calls and text messages on your phone. By now you were feeling every ounce of liquor in your system. You open the text messages and see that they were from Joe.

Joey 🏈: Hey, you on your way? -10:12pm
Joey🏈: If you need the address again, let me know! -10:37pm
Joey🏈: Are you alright? still haven't heard from you...-11:24pm
Joey🏈: If you didn't want to come, could of just told me...not fucking cool to just ghost me like this -12:13am.

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