80s!Joe Fic (Smut+AU)

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Watching the kids in the lake have fun, you were sat in a beach chair with another camp counselor that you had befriended the last year you signed up for this job. It was a very hot summer in July of 1984 and you two were under a beach umbrella, both in bathing suits, cut off shorts and flannel shirts you both probably stole from your dads closet before leaving. You two cooled off with some soda's as you listened to the small portable radio that sat next to you both in the sand. "I can't believe we used to be like them about 10 years ago." Paula snorts. "My parents never let me go to sleep away camps and honestly...I now thank them, these kids are gross." You shake your head sipping in your Pepsi and you two continue to watch the kids while listening to endless Pat Benatar and Cyndi Lauper.

"You two seriously sitting under here gossiping instead of being in the water? In this heat?" You hear a familiar annoying voice say. It was none other than another camp counselor, Danny. Danny and Paula were a thing so he'd come over with the other nuisance Joe, to bother you both but unlike Paula, you weren't amused by it. Danny and Joe were both in charge of the sports both being football players at their colleges. "What are you boys up to?" Paula asks them. "Sammi and Tracy took some of the kids for a hike, so we thought we could come cool off with you guys! Hope you don't mind." Joe answers with a smirk which made you wanna slap it off his annoyingly handsome face. "Oh, we don't." Paula smiles at them and you remain quiet. "Cool." They both say in unison as they set up chairs next to us. You sat there annoyed. You just wanted to enjoy this day since it had been raining most of the week and here come these two to annoy you. The guys take their shirts off and you really couldn't help but stare at Joe's physique. He was tall and lean but also pure muscle. Every girl here at the camp wanted Joe which of course boosted his already inflated ego. He wasn't necessarily a jerk to you like Danny at most times was but you just didn't want to be grouped in with all the other girls that wanted Joe. He was also a gigantic flirt and rumors travel pretty damn quick around here since there was only about 20 of us counselors here with limited gossip magazines and TV.

You divert your gaze off the tall blonde and focused on the kids which you were suppose to be doing anyways. "Would you mind holding onto my necklace? I have this thing about losing it in large bodies of water, it's sentimental." Joe asks you and you sort of freeze up but before you could reply Joe speaks up. "Actually...Here, put it on so that way it's extra safe." Joe says walking behind you and putting the silver chain around your neck. You were a bit stunned with your breath hitched in you throat feeling his finger lightly graze your neck and under your ponytail. "Thanks." Joee winks at you before him and Danny run to the water like two kids themselves. "What...the fuck was that!?" Paula squeals and you look down to the necklace round your neck. "I don't know...I've barely even talk to him since we got here last month?" You say confused by that very out of pocket action from him. "There's the bonfire tonight after the kids go to bed...you should take him back to the cabin!" Paula suggests and you roll your eyes. "What world do you live in? He obviously did this just to fuck with me and make me look stupid." You scoff grabbing another soda from the small cooler you guys brought. "He was definitely flirting with you." She rolls her eyes. "As he does with anything that has a pulse, I bet he'd flirt with a stick if it would respond back." You shake your head. "Why is it so bad if he did flirt with you? At least he's not being jerk. You should flirt black, I mean...fucking look at him. If I wasn't already messing around with Danny, he'd be on my list." Paula smirks looking at the guys jumping off the dock. "You have a list?" You chuckle looking at her. "Yeah, if Danny was out of the picture it's go, Joe, Steven, Ryan and Robbie." She shrugs. "Robbie!? I grew up with Robbie, in the 8th grade he didn't bathe for a month to protest to his parents about getting the video game Pong for his birthday." You gag. "Eh, there's something about him...I think he'd be a good lover." She smirks and you cringe.

Paula maybe wasn't wrong about Joe though...he was hot and you couldn't deny it, especially when when he had one of his famous outfits on the consisted of the tightest shortest shorts , Ray-Bans and old cropped muscle t-shirt from his college showing off his muscles. Which also left very little to the imagination and that were paired with his already perfect honey locks as long as Matt Dillon's hair, Rob Lowe's blue eyes and luscious lips. It really was no wonder that all the girls drooled over him and all the boys wanted to be him. Plus he drove a badass Trans Am that you were positive had been mostly used for sex than for driving with the stories you heard about him.

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