Heebie Jeebies (Smut+Halloween Fic)

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Halloween has always been your favorite holiday. The weather, pumpkins, the treats, the costumes and everything spooky was just your absolute favorite. Usually you'd always go on a haunted hayride or to a corn maze on a chilly night but being in college in Louisiana...it was hard to find something along those lines here with such warm weather. Sure, New Orleans always had great spooky things year round given the history of the place but you didn't feel like going from dealing with drunk college kids to drunk tourist. So, you booked a nearby campsite at a local state park and got 6 of your friends to agree to come with for a nice little camping trip on a spooky night.

You guys were only staying for one night which was tonight, Halloween night. Instead of going to a major party or throwing one with your roommates, you guys were all packed in one car driving to the state park you booked a few weeks ago. "Hey can you pass me my water?" Julie, your roommate asks you as she sits in the back seat of your car. You hand her the bottle as you make you drive. "Uh oh..." Your other roommate Lisa says as she sits passenger and looks at her phone. "Is there an accident somewhere?" You ask looking over to her quickly.

"Not yet..." Lisa mutters awkwardly. " Then what? Are we getting rain?" You ask confused and she sighs. "The guys...they're bringing Joe." Lisa says nervously. "Are you fucking kidding me!? They know he hates me, why the hell would they go and invite him?" You scoff shaking your head annoyed. "Yeah, Joe's always a dick to Y/N and these are her plans. I'm calling Jayden." Your other roommate Ruby says. "Don't even bother, they knew better." You shrug.

"I'm sorry, we can still have a fun time though! We got food, drinks, matching Halloween pjs and the projector for some scary movies, it'll be fun! Don't you worry! Plus the girls and I will help keep the peace between the two of you, we'll make the guys have him act accordingly. " Lisa reassures you and Julie and Ruby nod in agreement. You decide to stay positive and not let someone ruin your Halloween plans. After all, it was only one night. "You're right, we didn't put this much effort in this for him to come ruin it." You nod as you keep your eyes on the road.

"So, I'm assuming the moaning that's going to be filled around this campsite tonight is going to come from you guys and your tents and not a couple of ghouls?" You smirk knowing the girls were going to get down and dirty with the guys on this trip in their tents. They all blush or roll their eyes knowing what you said was true. Julie was messing around with Shawn. Ruby was dating Jayden and Lisa and Kevin...were Lisa and Kevin. No one knew where their relationship stood half the time but they were always somewhere hooking up at the end of the night.

"All this talk about us... but you and Joe have sexual tension we would need a chainsaw to cut through." Ruby snorts making the girls nods. "Excuse me!? Absolutely not! Why the hell would I fuck some asshole quarterback? I wouldn't touch him with a ten and a half foot pole." You gag. "What is he the Grinch?" Julie laughs. "Might as well be, I saw on tumblr, specifically LSU students bd fans comparing him to some whoville character." You laugh. "That's fucked up." Ruby laughs. "Well maybe if he wasn't such a dick people would be nicer to him." You shrug. "But the thing is that...Joe is sort of only a dick to you." Julie says. "Yeah, he helped me moved into our apartment with Jayden." Ruby nods. "And dropped me off multiple times at home when Kevin and I get too fucked up at parties." Lisa puts in her two cents.

"So I'm the problem...what the hell did I ever do to him?" You scoff. "Didn't you diss him at a party or something?" Lisa asks. "Uh no, I asked him where the bathroom was at a frat party and he scoffed at me and kept walking. Ever since then I've treated him like he treated me." You say finally pulling up to the campsite. You pull up to the ranger booth and tell them about your reservation and they nice lady gives you all the papers you need with information about the state park and its rules.

"There's like no one here." Julie snorts seeing all the empty camp sites. "Even better, we can be as loud as we want!" You smile finally pulling up to campsite 31. "You totally got that campsite number on purpose didn't you?" Lisa asks you as you park the car. "That and it was the biggest one." You nod. After putting the car in park you all filter out of your car and look at the site. "It is pretty big...we might not hear each other if we have some fun with the boys in our tents." Ruby winks.

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