CHAPTER THIRTEEN: The Beginning & The End

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SO LOOOOOONG HAHAHAHAHA. Okay, before you read this long chapter, let me apologize for not updating! I was on vacation and my mom took away all my gadgets so that I could enjoy. It kinda sucked not having internet though but I still had fun.

Anyway....let your imagination run wild while reading this hahaha. I apologize for the errors because I didn't proofread it anymore but I hope you like it minna-san! ;))



"Tadaima minna-san." Cordelia gave them a cunning smile.

"Where's Izumi..." Ayato's eyes furrowed. "..mother!?"

"How rude Ayato. That's not how you're supposed to welcome your mother, right?"

Ayato gritted his teeth.

She shifted her gaze to Laito and Kanato. "How about my other two lovely sons? Don't I get a welcome home from you?"

Laito stared at her for a moment then put a smile on his face. "Hai. Okaeri Okaa-sama."

Without saying anything, Kanato avoided looking at her and hugged Teddy tightly.

Ayato can't act like he usually do. He only stood there, watching her mother use Izumi's body.

'WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!?' It irritated Subaru so much seeing Ayato like this. "OI WOMAN! You haven't answered her question yet. Where's Izumi?" He yelled in Ayato's place.

"Izumi this. Izumi that. Is that all you brothers care about?" She pouted. "It makes me kind of jealous~"

"I would like to skip all this foolishness and get straight to the point." Reiji pushed his glasses. "Do you mind explaining everything?"

"Pfft..hahahahaha!" Instead of replying, she laughed at them. "Look how serious you all are! Priceless! As for why I'm here," She wiped the tears from her eyes then looked at Richter. "Richter, please explain it to them. I will have to change my attire and I also need some rest. I'm not used to this body yet even though she isn't fighting back anymore. It's still tiresome."

'She's not fighting back?' Shu find it strange for Izumi to act that way. All of them thought of the same thing.

"Then does that mean...?" Shu asked her.

"Oh my~ is that girl really that important for the eldest to open his mouth?" She chuckled. "Yes, it means that she accepted me and this body is fully mine."

'She gave up just like that?' Subaru couldn't believe it. "There's no way tha-"


"Since when did my little songbird learned how to answer back to their mother? Is it because of the influence of that girl?" She sighed. "How disappointing." She walked pass all of them. "It was easy actually; all of you and her precious little sister was the key. Well then, see you all later."

The sound of the door closing echoed the room. Subaru walked towards Yui's body and carried her. "I'll take her to her room. I'll guard her there just in case something bad happens." And with that, Subaru disappeared.

"Now...WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!?" Ayato reverted back to his old self.

~skip Richter's flashblack~

"So the heart you remove is now inside Bitch-chan but she is using Izumi's body?" Laito asked.

Richter looked at the moon. "The girl is merely her vessel. She still exists but like what Cordelia said, she isn't resisting. However, once she awakens," He smirked. "The girl's soul shall be obliterated for eternity, leaving only Cordelia."

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