Chapter 3

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It is barely 5:30 in the morning when someone decides to knock on my door

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It is barely 5:30 in the morning when someone decides to knock on my door. I am glad my new sign is working and finally people are knocking.

I barely have my eyes open but I grunt in response letting whoever is on the other side know they can enter.

Stan cracks the door with a hand mostly covering his eyes. "Is it covered?"

"Yeah, it's covered."

Stan hesitantly uncovers his eyes but once he sees I am still tucked in under my covers he walks into my rooms without a care. If I wasn't so tired today I would rip the covers off and fuck with him, but whatever, maybe later.

"How did Ryder live with you for a year? Bray I am starting to think I have seen your dick more than I have seen my own."

"Like what you see?" I wink while trying to suppress a yawn. You would think I would be used to 6am practices but yet still the first few weeks back every semester kick my ass.

"Eh, it will make some poor sucker real happy one day I bet."

"I hope so," I sigh.

"Any luck on that app you got?"

"Nah, I haven't really used it yet. This weekend's games were brutal and Ryder was extra needy."

"Fuck I know, the figure skater really has him all messed up. I would love to meet her."

"Me too, girl must be something else to get under Ryder's skin and into his head the way she has. I have never seen him listen to so much music or talk to so many people at a party."

"Speaking of, is it your turn or mine?"

"Yours," I smile knowing I have just secured my peace for the morning. Granted that means tomorrow morning I will have the unfortunate pleasure but he sent me a text at nearly 1am which means he will be extra foul this morning.

"Shit, last time he was up as late as he was last night he threw a whole lamp at me."

"The shield is still in EJs room, I think."

"Nah I think Scoot used it as a sled the other day and broke it."

"Damn, we need to order another one. Lunch today on campus? We have to find a better one."

"I should see if we can get our hands on a riot shield that like SWAT and the military use, it might be the only thing to protect us. I can reach out to some contacts today after workouts."

"Doubtful, but I like the way you think Stanley."

Stan looks down at his watch and I know he is dreading the walk to Ryder's room to wake the sleeping beauty. Our best friend has many great attributes but the dude is a monster to wake up in the morning. True horror no matter what we do. Ryder is so much not a morning person it has become mine and Stan's job to wake him up for 6am practices because if we don't he will 1000% sleep through his alarms.

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