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There was another 20 minutes before dinner when I left Neil's room and made my way to Meeks and Pitts.

When I got in the two were writing down numbers in there books arguing about mass area

"So where's this radio?" I asked them, standing at the door. They both put down their pencils and smirked, grabbing their jackets and pulling me back out the door

"On the roof" Meeks said his hand closed around mine as him and Pitts led me up the stairs towards the roof.

"I thought you got it working"

"We did. On the roof. We haven't figured out how to make it mobile yet" Pitts said, pushing open the roof door

"You left it up here? What if Hager found it" I asked them as Pitts shut the door behind him

"Why would Hager be on the roof?" Meeks asked me, putting on the headphones while Pitts climbed up the ladder towards the small satellite

"I don't know, bird watching?" I guessed earning a snort from Pitts. The ladder began wobbling, my stomach dropping in the process as I grabbed it keeping it still "will you be careful?" I told  him

His eyes widened as he took slow steps down from where he was "sorry mom"

      "Don't get smart with her Pitts" Meeks said from his seat, turning a few things on the radio "got it" he said as Pitt's climbed down. "Oh fitting song for you Sophie" Meeks said handing me the headphones.

"I can't do my homework
And I can't think straight
I meet him in the morning
'Bout a half past eight"

     I rolled my eyes at Meeks, listening to the words to the new Connie Francis song 'Stupid Cupid' that came out at the start of summer.

     "I wanna hear" Pitt's said, I handed him over the headphones as Meeks put out his hand offering to dance with me, I took it gladly as Pitt's sang

      "Hey hey, set me free. Stupid Cupid stop picking on me" he belted as we danced around. Meeks spun me making me laugh when Pitts pulled down his headphones placing them on Meeks head. His eyes lit up as he spun around.

     "You mixed me up for good right from the very start" he sang, holding out a fake microphone to me

     "Hey go play Robin Hood with somebody else's heart" I sang dancing around.

      We stayed like that for a little while longer, spinning and singing to our hearts content. After the next song I excused myself and made my way down to our rooms. Humming stupid Cupid to myself.

     I walked towards my room but stopped and turned. I knocked on the door carefully. I waited for a second but when no answer came I began to turn away until the door clicked open.


     "Hey Knox. Can we talk?" I asked him, worried he'd turn me away. He opened the door allowing me to go into his room.

"Everything okay?"

     "Look Knox, I don't fully agree with the way you're going about things. But maybe just find a way to talk to her. Just get to know her better. Okay. Just don't be weird about it. And stop stalking her please"

      "That was one time" he said pushing away from the door smiling. He met me where I stood in the middle of the room and pulled me into him. "But thank you Sophie" he leaned down kissing my hair while rubbing my back.

𝙼𝙾𝙾𝙽 𝚂𝚃𝚁𝚄𝙲𝙺 (𝙳𝙿𝚂 - 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚎 𝙳𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚘𝚗)Where stories live. Discover now