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       The next morning at breakfast I felt like id been hit by a bus. Todd was by my side the whole morning as I tried to reassure him that I was okay and he didnt need to worry.

       I handing gotten much sleep at all last night. I assumed it was because every time I closed my eyes the image of Charlie coming into the cave with Gloria and Tina flashed straight to the front of my mind.

      Knox had left after he made sure that I would break down again and that I was okay. He was the first one to knock on my door this morning to make sure I didnt skip breakfast. So thats where I was right now, reading the article Charlie had posted.

       The last page was dedicated to why girls should be allowed at welton. 20 mini paragraphs filled the page, some consuming reason why girls should be allowed and others consuming how unfair it was that Welton was sexist to women.

      I was shaking my head reading number 12 as the announcement that an assembly had been called and everyone had to go change and meet in the hall in 15 minutes.

      Assemblies weren't usually held on a Saturday so it was no surprise that when it was called, people looked to each other utterly and completely confused.

     Pushing up from the table and completely ignoring Charlie's calls to me I made my way to my room to put on my uniform. I finished tying my tie and made it down to the hall with Knox.

       It was filling up a bit and Knox and I had just taken out seats behind Neil and Todd. My leg was bouncing like crazy and I could feel my chest tightening knowing that the reason the whole school was called to here was because of my idiot.

     No. An idiot. He's not mine anymore.

          The doors at the back opened and we all stood. I felt sick and the marches of the professors coming down the hall felt like the bangs of a hammer that were finalising the nails into our coffins.

        Knox and I exchanged looks as Mr. Nolan made his way to the stand and the others all took there seats around them. Mr. Nolan put on his glasses and turned to the professors, nodding which allowed them to sit

         "Sit" taking the seat my hands found themselves fidgeting on my lap. Mr. Nolan looked out over the student body and took off his glasses making me wonder why he put them on in the first place.

      "In this week of Welton's Honor there appeared a profane and unauthorized article. Rather than spend my valuable time ferreting out the guilty persons -- and let me assure you I will find them -- I'm asking any and all students who knows anything about this article to make themselves known here and now" Knox and I exchanged glances and my fingers twitched on my lap "Whoever the guilty persons are, this is your only chance to avoid expulsion from this school"

      A telephone ringing cut through the silence and the entire school looked around hoping to find the suspect. I turned to look behind me and didn't see anything and turned back to see if Knox had but his expression was pinched like mine until the phone clicked.

        "Welton academy. Hello?" My head shot to look to my left just two rows ahead of me. "Yes, he is. Just a moment"

       My jaw clenched and my heart rate picked up when Charlie stood from his seat this the telephone in one hand and the receiver in the other.

         "Mr. Nolan, it's for you. It's god. He says we should have more girls at Welton" I closed my eyes pinching the bridge of my nose as the entire school burst out laughing but was quick to stop when Mr. Nolan banged on the podium.

𝙼𝙾𝙾𝙽 𝚂𝚃𝚁𝚄𝙲𝙺 (𝙳𝙿𝚂 - 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚎 𝙳𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚘𝚗)Where stories live. Discover now