Chapter 4

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The next day, close by where the Australian mermaid resided was the Abbatoir which is where the Mikaelson mansion was located. The hybrid Niklaus Mikaelson or Klaus as he's called by his enemies walked into the brightly lit mansion with his brother Elijah who's known as the noble Mikaelson trailing behind him. Along with the brothers was the newly discovered pregnant werewolf Hayley Marshall.

Elijah was just passing through when he stumbled into the city where he learnt it was being ruled by his brother's adopted son Marcellus Gerard. Learning the witches plan to lure his brother to the city, the original vampire stuck around.

Nicklaus cared deeply for his siblings. Whether it was Kol who liked to wreak havoc everywhere he went, Rebekah who would fall in love with the wrong guys that ended up breaking her heart or Elijah who stood by him.

Losing Kol took a toll on him but he was able to get his brother's burnt body. He planned to seek out a witch to bring Kol back when he suddenly found out that witches were plotting against him and his family. Without wasting any time he left the tomb where he placed Kol's body and left for New Orleans.

Klaus was not going to lie he despised the thought of the she-wolf carrying his child. Don't get him wrong he was glad he was able to become a father however the worst person to be his child's mother was this wench.

"Niklaus, she is carrying your child," said Elijah.

"How many times will you remind me brother,"said Niklaus.

"I will continue to remind you until you treat her with respect," said Elijah.

"Treat her with respect brother?After everything shes done?"

"She manipulated herself into my life. She turned my hybrid against me, my pack feeding them lies that I had slaughtered their families when I did no such thing. You know what one of them said before stabbing me? He said I killed his pregnant wife and unborn child," said Klaus.

"I may strike fear everywhere I go and I might be a monster but killing a pregnant woman and children is something I would never do. Then after thinking that fooling my first hybrid wasn't enough she had sex with me when I was vulnerable before aiding the doppleganger with killing our brother," he finished.

{A/N: I know she didn't help with the death of Kol}

"Be glad you're pregnant with my child because if you weren't you'd be dead," Klaus said walking away.

Hayley genuinely felt bad for what she did but she thought it was best to be selfish and not care for anyone since she wanted to find her birth family. She honestly didn't expect to be caught by witches and used as a bargaining chip as well as finding out shes carrying some miracle baby.

She knew an apology wouldn't work so all she could do was try her best not to irritate or make the male hate her more than he already does.

"For now Hayley just keep your distance from Niklaus,"said Elijah as he asked her to follow him where he showed her the room she was staying in. He asked her if she wanted anything to eat or drink but she refused saying she just wanted to rest and so he allowed her to go lie down as he went to find his brother.

"Niklaus you can't go around treating the mother of your child like that," reasoned Elijah.

"Brother can you really blame me? You guys mean alot to me me but she killed him! She killed our little brother Elijah, she killed Kol."

"After Henrik died because of me I couldn't bare the thought of losing anyone of you due to Mikael's hatred towards me then Finn died, I can't lose you or Rebekah but I swear I'll bring back Kol and Finn," said Klaus as he went back to his library.

Elijah could only sigh as he knew well about how Klaus loved them. He had freed them after killing Mikael and apologize continuously for daggering everyone. Kol was reluctant in forgiving him but Finn was close off. It was later on revealed that Esther casted a spell on the eldest so he would hate his siblings. After the spell was gone Finn opened up to them but not even two days since he was free, the Mystic falls gang staked him.

Of course Klaus saw red and killed Caroline's mother by ripping her heart out, drowning Tyler's mother and beheading Alaric so he won't come back alive. But they retaliated by killing Kol so he gathered his brother's dead body before killing Jeremy infront of Elena then killing her and Caroline infront of Damon and Stefan then killing Damon infront of Stefan.

He used his witches to drive Bonnie to use expression which caused not only internal damages but she lost her magic which caused her to be powerless as Klaus compelled her mom to walk into the sunlight with her daylight ring killing herself.

Stefan was his friend so it only made it worse. He had sliced all parts of his body filling it with cut after hanging him upside down allowing his blood to drip on the ground. He then set him on fire before placing his body in a well filled with vervain.

The younger Salvatore was tortured hours on end before his desiccated and mummified body was placed in the tomb where he was trapped reliving the death of his brother and Elena which he thought died from his hands.

Elijah could only sigh and hope that Hayley doesn't piss his brother off even more. He decided to go do his routine walk around the streets of New Orleans since it helps to clear his mind about all the negative energy that surrounded him and his family.

Honestly he felt that Niklaus' breaking point was when Kol died and he realized that no matter what he did he couldn't protect his family.

He continued to walk down the street when he saw Rebekah?

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