Chapter 21

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For once in their entire lifetime, Klaus and Elijah agreed that they weren't happy with the situation. For three weeks their youngest sister Emma Gilbert Mikaelson had been walking around the place in a daze with a goofy grin plastered on her face. 

They weren't saying that they weren't happy that she was happy and smiling but she looked like she was floating around the place with a creepy grin.

"I've seen this scene before," said Kol who sat between his brother. 

The younger Mikaelson was on the other side with his elder brother watching over his siblings was now brooding. Finn couldn't believe that he not only died but his younger brother as well. When Esther was doing the ritual, she had used her magic to persuade him by saying that neither he nor his siblings would die but only be returned to their mortal selves. He agreed because he thought their lives were better when they were mortals in a way.

He thought because he couldn't save Freya when she was taken, maybe he could protect them by doing this. Since Esther told him that once they turned human then everyone who had turned would turn mortal as well. He never knew that his mother would prey on his naivety to try and kill him and his siblings. 

He only found out during the ritual when his mother called them all monsters and revealed her plans. Thankfully the ritual was stopped but before he could explain to his siblings he was taken away by his mother and held hostage until she could start her Plan B. Sadly when he was able to escape and go to his siblings he was killed. His only wish was to know that his siblings were safe, together, and happy. His heart shattered when he saw Kol appear in front of him.


Finn was currently on the other side where all the supernaturals resided. Most supernaturals were able to make peace with their past and so they resided somewhere different but there are those like Finn would couldn't forget. You'd think spending nine hundred years daggered in a box while being able to hear his surroundings would have driven him crazy, but it didn't. 

Unlike how he was supposed to feel or how Esther made it sound, Finn was happy. He initially thought that being a vampire made him a monster and he couldn't face himself but sadly his biggest regret was not being able to protect Niklaus, his baby brother.

Finn always knew that Niklaus was never his father's child. 

He might have been young but he would always notice the way his mother would sneak away into the forest or the time he accidentally stumbled upon her kissing another man. That day his mother struck him across the cheek leaving a red handprint because he caught her in the middle of her illicit act. Sadly  Esther never got to see the happy face  Elijah had when he made her a flower crown but it disappeared when she angrily walked past him.

When Klaus was born, Finn hated him. He thought if his father found out about Klaus' origins then their family would be destroyed but as that child took his first steps, said his first words, and looked at him with those big blue-green eyes, Finn realized he was innocent and so he vowed to protect him.

Finn could only laugh in sadness at the irony that even after his siblings got older, no one knew about the pain and torture he had endured when he first defied Mikael to protect the little hybrid. Even though Mikael was still abusive towards the boy, Finn had suffered worse as he took eighty percent of the beatings and whips for his younger brother who loved to paint.

He remembered the times he secretly went out and brought berries and flowers for him so he could use them to paint and every time Mikael caught him painting or hanging out with Rebekah, Finn was already kneeling, back exposed taking the lashes. No one has ever seen the scarred back of the male except Rose who fell for the male.

This was why she resented the Mikaelsons because they never knew about the hardships Finn endured to protect them and this was what Esther used to manipulate the male while he was lying in his coffin. He may have seemed distant but he wasn't, he was busy taking care of them but from the shadows unnoticed.

"I saw it once," said a voice that brought Finn out of his trance.

"Kol?" Finn asked shocked seeing his younger brother.

"Your scarred back, I saw it. It was the day you stopped Father from hurting Rebekah when he woke up after she tried to kill him in his sleep," said Kol.

"Even after Elijah was comforting her in the room, you stopped Father and you both walked away but I followed you," he continued.

"He led you to the shed and whipped you until your back was bleeding and you still took them," tears kept running down the younger male's eyes. He was the saddest when he learned of Finn's death and that's why he went to the house. He wanted to get revenge on them for killing his big brother but he wasn't strong enough.

"I failed you brother."

"You were supposed to go enjoy the rest of your life now that we are free from Mother and the coffins why did you try to take revenge for me," Finn asked as tears ran down his face. He couldn't help running and hugging his baby brother as the two continued to cry.

Ayanna who stood in the distance watching, she couldn't help the sadness she felt for them and so when they followed their brothers and sister to New Orleans she followed. She made the only person who could bring them back come to New Orleans. It was one night Ayanna pleaded with the young mermaid doppelganger to help her and Emma did. However, what she didn't expect was two males to come out of nowhere holding her hand.

After this, they thanked her and Ayanna when the males were suddenly discovered by Hayley who screamed alerting everyone in the house. Let's just say that night the siblings bonded through a lot of tears.


"I've seen this scene before," said Kol who sat between his brother. 

"From where?" Klaus asked.

"That scene in The Little Mermaid where Ariel was acting love-sick in front of her family," said Kol laughing as she watched his little sister hum and dance around the place before going to the outdoor pool.

"Uhh Kol don't start," said Finn.

"What she's a mermaid in love so it's a good reference," said Kol only to receive a pillow to the face.

Elijah couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face as he watched his siblings but they didn't notice was someone in the background looking at them and the mermaid in disdain.

A/N: Hey my lovelies, so if you've noticed I haven't been updating in a while and that's because I'm currently in my final exam period. I took a break from studying and decided to update this book. I won't be able to update again until the 20th which is when my exams finish. I will also be publishing two new books as well during that time. So bye until then and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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