Chapter 14

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Hi everyone I am Tiamat, the water dragon you all met in chapter 12. Since the author is too lazy to continue the story, I will begin one of my own. This is a tragic tale about two lovers who fought to be together.

Although it is cliché, let's start with Once Upon a Time.

Eons ago there was a land filled with majestic beasts that would fly around. For each element, you had a dragon to represent their majesty as they ruled over the beasts' kingdom. The Earth dragon was green, the water dragon blue, the fire dragon red, and the air white.

Now in the old days, we had witches as well and these were there to guide the future guardians of these four majestic dragons.

Every ten years boys and girls from all over the heavenly realm would try to see if they were the chosen guardian and most failed. Well, that was until one day four courageous teens stepped forward and we were deemed the guardians. Among the four was the youngest princess of the heavenly realm Aelia.

Young Aelia was adventurous and wanted to go out and travel, to see the mortal realm which sadly was forbidden. Unlike her elder siblings, she didn't like the thought of staying in a stuffy palace only to be later on married off for someone else's benefit.

She had often sneaked out of the palace to go exploring and it was during one of those escapades that she stumbled upon the majestic egg. Feeling her presence, the dragon deemed her to be a worthy guardian and bonded with her after hatching. From then on the princess became the guardian of the water element dragon and he became her adventure buddy.

Since no one was there when the dragon hatched from his shell or bonded with someone they thought it vanished. Meanwhile, the other three guardians were used by the heavenly emperor to start a war with the other kingdoms.

When Aelia found out, she decided to escape the palace only to be sold out by her jealous sister Amelia. Both happened to be identical twins and the other happened to be the guardian of the fire dragon.

The two sisters battled that day and Aelia was almost arrested as her father deemed her unworthy of being a guardian. He then stripped her of her heavenly status and banished her to the mortal realm to suffer the seven humans' sins before dying and evaporating out of existence.

They then destroyed her heavenly core and threw her to earth while keeping her dragon locked in a cage. However before they could take him away, the water dragon cursed them into years of drought before escaping to find his master. One would expect them to feel fear after that but sadly they thought the dragon was bluffing.

Meanwhile in a valley filled with natives, lived a young hunter named Marcel. Since his parents died, the young male was well sought out by the maidens in their little village. However he was not interested in any of them and so he spent his time hunting or with his black beautiful horse, Shadow.

It was during one of his leisurely moments that he stumbled upon an injured figure. He jumped off Shadow and ran to the figure only, to see that it was a badly injured woman who was bleeding profusely.

He quickly took off his robe and placed it on her as he got on Shadow and raced them back to the village. The villagers looked at the young male and the girl he carried weirdly for it was the first they'd seen someone that looked like her.

Marcel made the village grandmother take care of the injuries as he stood outside worried. After what felt like an eternity, he was told that if he brought her any later, then she'd have died.

Marcel was shocked to hear that the girl almost died and so he asked about her current condition. He learned that she's now alright but she'll not awake due to her trying to recover.

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