Chapter 5 - Make Up with Derrick

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The uber arrived at Nia's house, and as she stepped out, a mix of disappointment and determination filled her. Observing her modest home, she knew it was nothing compared to the opulent mansion she had just left with Derrick. Her parents couldn't provide the same luxuries, but they had given her something more valuable: unconditional love.

Taking a deep breath, she wiped away tears and entered the house. Her parents immediately noticed her distress and rushed to embrace her, concerned about what had happened.

"Nia, what's wrong? Why were you crying?" her mother asked, holding her close.

Tears continued to flow as Nia explained everything that had transpired. Her parents listened attentively, their faces filled with love and concern for their daughter.

"I don't know what to do," Nia confessed, her voice trembling. "I care about Derrick, but I also want to pursue my career. I don't want to sacrifice one for the other."

Her father gently placed a hand on her shoulder, looking at her with compassionate eyes. "Nia, you don't have to make that choice. You deserve both love and success in your life. If Derrick truly loves you, he will support your dreams."

Her mother nodded in agreement. "Your happiness is paramount, Nia. Don't let anyone make you feel like you must compromise your aspirations."

Feeling the warmth of her parents' love and support, Nia began to find clarity. She knew she deserved to follow her dreams, and if Derrick couldn't stand by her side in that journey, he might not be the one for her.

Wiping her tears away, Nia hugged her parents tightly, filled with gratitude for their unwavering support. "Thank you, Mom and Dad. I'm so lucky to have you both."

With newfound strength, she retreated to take a shower, hoping to regain her composure and sort out her emotions.


As the water cascaded down in the shower, Nia felt a sense of calm washing over her. She dried off, wrapped herself in a towel, and headed back to her bedroom.

Her phone buzzed with numerous missed calls and apologetic messages from Derrick, but she needed time to process everything. Her heart was torn between her love for him and the opportunity of a lifetime that lay before her.

Lying on her bed, thoughts of her childhood and the unwavering support from her parents gave her a newfound resolve. She deserved to pursue her dreams without feeling guilty.

With determination in her heart, Nia composed a message to Derrick, explaining that she needed time to think and that they would talk soon. Content with her decision, she drifted off to sleep, feeling the weight of her choice slowly lifting.

The Next Day

Sitting at her desk the following morning, Nia typed up a letter on her laptop, expressing her thoughts and feelings. It was a significant decision, and she didn't want to rush into it.

Hearing her parents leaving for work, she closed her laptop, deciding to focus on her own job for the day.

Nia's morning routine was a well-oiled machine. She showered quickly, the warm spray washing away the last vestiges of sleep. While the water cascaded down, she mentally reviewed the day ahead, prioritizing tasks and formulating a game plan. Stepping out, she briskly toweled dry, the crisp air invigorating.

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