Chapter 4 - Fight with Derrick

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Nia sat in the back of the Uber, staring out the window at the passing houses and trees. She had just left the bar where she had celebrated her job offer with her friends, but her mood had soured when she thought about her boyfriend, Derrick and the argument they had earlier today.

As the Uber pulled up to Derrick's home, Nia was struck by the size of the mansion, as usual. It was three stories high with a large garden out front. She took a deep breath and got out of the car, using the key that Derrick's parents had given her, to unlock the front door.

As she stepped inside, she was greeted by the sound of the television and the smell of freshly baked cookies. She walked into the living room, where she found Derrick's parents sitting on the couch watching a movie. His younger brother was sitting on the floor playing video games on his tablet.

"Hi, Mrs. and Mr. Johnson," Nia said, giving them a warm smile.

"Hello, Nia," Mr. Johnson said, standing up to greet her. "How was your day?"

Nia took a deep breath, knowing that she had to tell them about her job offer. "It was okay."

Derrick's mom, Mrs. Johnson, looked at her expectantly. "Okay, dressed like that? Was there some sort of celebration going on?"

Nia's face lit up with excitement appreciating her mother in law's observant skills.

"I was offered a Job at Hybe today, one of the largest companies in South Korea." Nia bragged.

"Oh, that's not good." Mr. Johnson mutters, "I mean it's good, it's great, but you know Derrick." He added.

"I know." Nia pouted as she slouched in the sofa.

"It is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Don't let anyone hold you back." Mrs. Johnson said, giving her an encouraging smile.

"Thank you, I appreciate you saying that, Mrs. Johnson." Nia said, feeling her love and support wash over her.

However, when Derrick arrived home, the friendly atmosphere changed. He seemed distant and sullen, barely saying a word to Nia.

Before Derrick came, Nia had been playing with Alex, trying to lighten her mood. They laughed and played games, forming a close bond despite the age difference. But as soon as Derrick walked in, the warmth disappeared, and tension filled the room. His parents knew about Derrick's temper, and they were afraid of what might happen given his upset feelings towards Nia's job offer.

Derrick noticed that Nia was still in the dress she had worn to the bar. It was a beautiful, figure-hugging dress that had caught his attention the moment he entered the house. Despite their strained relationship, he couldn't help but think about how stunning she looked.

"Go change, Nia. You're still in the dress from your night out. Grab something of mine," Derrick said, though they were barely on speaking terms.

Nia hesitated for a moment, contemplating her response, but she decided to listen to him. She went upstairs into Derrick's bedroom, taking in her surroundings. His room was neat and organized, with a large bed in the center, a desk filled with books, and a guitar resting against the wall. The walls were adorned with posters of his favorite bands, and there was a small collection of action figures on a shelf.

She opened his closet, and amidst the rows of clothes, she found a mix of casual and trendy attire. Nia opted for a cozy oversized sweater. She slipped into the clothes, feeling a sense of comfort and familiarity despite the turmoil in her heart.

As Nia came back downstairs, Derrick glanced at her, his expression softening for a moment. "That's better," he said, trying to hide any sign of emotion.

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