Chapter 14 - The Sleepover

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A few days later, the BTS members, along with their dedicated staff, gathered at the HYBE office for a special appreciation event. The atmosphere was electric, with vibrant decorations transforming the workspace into a festive wonderland. Colorful streamers hung from the ceiling, and upbeat music filled the air, setting the stage for a joyful celebration.

As employees arrived with their families, they were greeted warmly by the BTS members, who exuded genuine enthusiasm and gratitude. Each member took the time to hug employees, ask about their families, and share personal anecdotes, creating a welcoming and inclusive environment.

The event kicked off with games and activities for all ages. Children gleefully participated in balloon tosses and face painting, while employees engaged in friendly competitions and team-building exercises. Laughter echoed through the office as families bonded over these lighthearted activities.

Amidst the festivities, BTS members showcased their playful side, joining in the games with enthusiasm. Jimin was spotted leading a group of kids in a game of tag, his infectious laughter echoing across the room. Meanwhile, V and Jin teamed up for a spirited round of charades, eliciting cheers and applause from the crowd.

Throughout the event, BTS members took time to connect with employees on a personal level. They posed for countless photos, capturing memorable moments with beaming staff members. RM engaged in heartfelt conversations, sharing words of encouragement and appreciation with employees who had worked tirelessly behind the scenes.

As the celebration continued into the evening, a feast awaited everyone. Tables were adorned with a mouthwatering array of Korean delicacies, from savory dumplings to spicy tteokbokki. The aroma of grilled meats filled the air, enticing guests to indulge in the culinary delights.

The highlight of the evening was a special performance by BTS, who surprised everyone with an impromptu rendition of their hit songs. The office transformed into a makeshift concert venue, with employees dancing and singing along to their favorite tunes.

By the end of the night, it was evident that the gathering had achieved its purpose-to express gratitude and foster camaraderie within the HYBE family. The BTS members, with their infectious energy and genuine warmth, had created an unforgettable experience for their dedicated employees, leaving everyone with cherished memories of a joyous celebration.


Nia was on the phone with her boyfriend Derrick, telling him about the special gathering that BTS was planning for their employees. She was excited about the event and asked Derrick if he wanted to attend with her.

"Sorry, babe, I can't make it," Derrick replied. "I have a lot of work to do, and even if I did have the time, I wouldn't want to go to some silly event for a K-pop band."

Nia's excitement faltered as she processed Derrick's response. "What do you mean you have work to do?" she asked, her tone tinged with disappointment. "I thought you'd be back from your trip this week. What's going on?"

Derrick sighed on the other end of the line. "Yeah, about that... I had to extend my trip for a few more days. There's some last-minute stuff I need to take care of."

Nia's heart sank at the news. "But I was really looking forward to you being here," she admitted, trying to mask her disappointment. "And I thought you'd want to support me at this event. It's important to me."

Derrick's response was dismissive. "I'm sorry, babe, but I really can't make it. Besides, I'm not really into all that K-pop stuff anyway."

Nia felt a pang of hurt at Derrick's lack of interest. "It's not just about K-pop, Derrick. It's about showing appreciation for the hard work of the employees, including me. This means a lot to me, and I wish you could understand that."

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