Chapter 2 - Work

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I awake in a barren apartment with my alarm ringing. 7:30 am, it reads. God I hate my life.  I haul myself out of my chamber of warmth to brush my teeth cus my morning breath is not pretty. I attempt to force a brush through my matted hair, I can't even remember the last time I actually cared about my hair. I take one look at the mirror and could clearly see that I was in desperate need of a shower, it didn't matter that I would be late its only Stark for God's sake.

After a much-needed warm shower, I came out smelling like strawberries and coconut, I had washed my hair and was now looking for a hairdryer as you hadn't planned for drying your hair. After searching through all the drawers you located a frazzled-looking blow-dryer and a document. While drying my hair I began to read the file.

Name: Olivia A. Varity


Mission: Extract information on SHIELD agents by infiltrating the Stark Tower.

Soulmates (known): James Buchanan Barnes, Natasha Romanoff

Undercover Name: Amelia Banks

Tier: Highly Trusted, brainwashed

Family: Parents (deceased), siblings (none)

Powers: Super Soldier

Well, that was.. interesting. I mean, it wasn't anything that you didn't know apart from the soulmates section. It states Natasha Romanoff is one of your "known" soulmates yet you had no recollection of a Natasha. You tried to remember but it only brought a migraine and a confused mind. Weird.

You get dressed into a grey pencil skirt with a white blouse, one button undone, and you applied makeup where it was needed and left the small flat on the path to your new job. 8:12 am, seven minutes late on your first day. Just what you needed. You were given vague instructions from Brucklow, but you weren't going to follow them because Brucklow thought of them and you were petty.

Entering the lobby, you approached the receptionist's desk to ask for instructions but were stopped by an odd feeling of comfort and confusion. What is going on today? A busy-looking redhead grabs your attention by asking you if you were ok.

"Excuse me miss, do you need any help?"

Oops, so you were just standing there the whole time. Awkward...

"Umm, yes actually it is my first day and I don't know where to go," I explained carefully choosing words to make me sound nervous.

"Are you Mr. Starks new assistant?" asked the redhead, barely looking up from her computer screen.

"Yes, Im Amelia Banks also sorry I'm late. The traffic was horrible today." you awkwardly laughed off. God, were you good at this.

"Miss Banks please follow after me and I expect all my employees to be punctual every day. Now, make notes on where we are going, I do not like to repeat myself. Also, Im Pepper Potts." said the stern lady, handing me an employee pass and a small notebook engraved with the Stark logo.

"Pleasure to meet you Miss Potts and thank you for choosing me to be in this prestigious role. It's an honor." I was acting like a fan now, if Soldat would see me now- no he doesn't care for you and would never love you.

We continued to ride the elevator all the way up to the 22nd floor where Miss Potts explained where storage was and all the meeting rooms. She showed me the lavatories and the IT suites with the printers. Next, we rode all the way up to Mr. Starks office is, Pepper said that he would be out for a week or so and that I would also be assisting her as well as Stark. Then she showed me my office, which consists of a desk and chair. The room had a dark academia vibe to it while still being modern (PC and laptops).

You thanked Pepper and she gave you your timetable and list of activities to complete this week. You decided that you would complete at least one thing on the list before exploring the tower. The first item on the list was to drop off and collect Miss Potts's dress from the tailors in town.

Easy. Just need to find out the name of this place then you're sorted.

You unpacked your bag of stationery and drank some coffee from the lounge area and proceeded to walk the short distance to Miss Potts's office to collect the dress and name of the tailors. You knock on her door and hope that you don't anger her on your first day.

"Miss, I'm here to collect your dress for the tailors," you explain through the closed door.

the door swung open with Pepper running out, urging you to follow.

"I have a meeting at 2, can you sort out dinner arrangements for next week's gala? Thank you," she said hurriedly, while I struggled to write down orders. After being flung her dress and practically thrown into her car, she began chatting away to the driver who so happened to be her soulmate.

As Pepper was chatting away, your mind drifted to what it would feel like to be with your soulmates.

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