Chapter 2

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Iseul walked up to the small cafe holding her bag with one hand. She walked in looking around for Taehyung. He texted her to tell her that he was at the cafe already. She spotted him sitting at a table by a corner facing the wall.

She strolled her way towards him, the clacking of her heels being heard from across the floor.

"I'm sorry for making you wait." She bowed before sitting down in front of him. "It's okay, I just arrived anyways." He reassured. He took off the mask he was wearing and Iseul was sure her ears were red. What the fuck, he's so beautiful. "What held you up?" He asked running a hand through his hair.

"My superior shortened the due date for the project I was working on so I had to finish it before I came here." She answered. "What do you do actually?" Taehyung asked.

"I'm an editor, I edit ads for companies and stuff." She answered. "What about you?" Taehyung thought about lying but he knew what the outcome would be.

"I'm an idol." He answered with hesitation evident in his voice. "Really? What group are you in?" Iseul asked. "It's called BTS." "I think I've heard some of my coworkers talking about you guys. That's so cool." She smiled.

"Let me go order our drinks. I'll be back in a few." She asked him for his order, stood up and walked to the counter and ordered.

She came holding their drinks and handed Taehyung's his before sitting back down. "How long have you been in the group?" She asked. "It been a long time, eight years." He answered. Her jaw slightly dropped. "That's a really long time. Wait how old are you?" Iseul asked.

"I'm turning twenty seven this year internationally, what about you?" He responded.

"Me too actually." She answered. "When's your birthday?" He asked taking a sip of his drink. "The first of December, you?" She answered. "The thirtieth of December."

"Oh my gosh we share the same months." She beamed. "We were destined to meet." Taehyung said in a joking manner.

She laughed and Taehyung noticed she had an eye smile and how she would laugh with her whole body. She reminded him of Jimin. His phone rang interrupting their conversation.

Taehyung looked at the caller before answering, "Hello?" His body visibly deflated before he hung up.

"I just got a call from my company, they want me to go back." He sighed. Iseul gave him a reassuring smile, "It's okay, it's almost one and I have to get back to work." They both stood from the table and Taehyung put on his mask.

They walked out the the cafe holding their unfinished drink. "We'll talk later, yeah?" Taehyung asked.

"Mmh." She hummed nodding. "Bye." They both said before walking in opposite directions. Iseul walked in her companies building with a small smile visible on her face. She went to her work station and her smile dropped.

Three loads of work were on her desk which would've been fine if the due date was not for another few weeks but they were due in a week.

She sat in her chair and looked at her desk hoping it was all a bad dream and she would soon wake up from it. She thought about overworking herself and trying to finish the work. She was considering it but she had enough.

This wasn't the first time something like this had happened and honestly this was her last straw.

She lit up her computer and started typing her resignation letter. After getting it printed she walked back to her work space, grabbed the work and trudged her way to her superior's office.

She knocked before hearing a small "come in" coming from inside. She went in and put down the work with the resignation letter on top of it on his desk.

End of time | Taehyung x Oc Where stories live. Discover now