Chapter 19

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Iseul stood up from the couch when she heard Haneul's cry coming from the baby monitor she held in her hand. She placed it on the coffee table and walked to Haneul's nursery.

She saw Hanuel fussing in her crib and gently picked her up. "Hi baby, why are you crying?" She asked in sweet, low voice as she carried her to the changing table.

After changing Haneul's diaper, Iseul carried her to the living room were she fed Haneul. The front door opened revealing Taehyung. He smiled at the sight of Iseul and Haneul on the couch.

"I'm back." He sang as he walked into the living room. "Hi, how did it go?" Iseul asked him as he kissed her head from behind the couch.

"It went well, I was able to finish your gift up." Taehyung answered walking around the couch to sit next to Iseul. "Oooh," Iseul drawled out fixing her hold on Haneul. "When am I getting it?" She asked handing Taehyung the baby.

"At eight pm." He answered cradling Haneul in his arms. "Now I'm curious as to what it is." Iseul smiled. "Don't worry you'll find out soon enough." Taehyung said. "Has Claire woken up yet?" He asked.

"No she's still asleep but if she doesn't wake up soon I'll go wake her up." Iseul answered. Taehyung nodded and hummed.


"Claire, if you don't wake up you're never hanging out with Eunchae again." Iseul said standing over Claire's sleeping figure. Claire shot up at the mention of Eunchae. "I'm awake!" She exclaimed rubbing her eyes.

"C'mon you have to come eat breakfast." Iseul commanded pulling Claire out of bed by her arm. "Woah woman, at least lemme brush my teeth first." Claire muttered out following Iseul out of the bedroom.

"Alright but don't go back to bed." Iseul said letting go of Claire arm. Claire grunted while walking to the bathroom.

Iseul laughed at Claire retreating figure before heading to the kitchen where she reheated Claire's food.


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thv 8pm


User1| @ User
What y'all think taes post is about???
232 replies 19k likes 267 retweets
User2| @ User
Imagine it's a song for her😋
User3| @ User
User4| @ User
If it's a song that would be so cute oml
User5| @ User
I need someone to love me like how Tae loves Iseul😭


"Ten minutes left." Iseul excitedly said shimmying in her seat on the couch. "I can't wait for you to see it." Taehyung smiled at Iseul.

"I want to go live for this. Is that fine?" He asked turning on his phone and opening Weverse. "Oh yeah definitely." Iseul nodded pushing one of Haneul's rompers to side.

Haneul was spending time with Claire in her bedroom while Iseul and Taehyung were seated in the living room. A few minutes later after Taehyung finished setting his phone up, he went live.

"Hi everyone!" They both greeted waving at the screen while a bunch of comment rolled in. They were now seated in the kitchen with the phone on the island.




"We came here so you guys can see Iseul reaction to her gift." Taehyung explained. "She's going to get it in two minutes I think." He said looking at the time on Iseul's phone.




"Where's our niece?" Iseul read a comment out loud from her phone. "She's with Claire doing whatever, I don't know." She answered with a shrug while Taehyung reached for the IPad next to his phone.

He opened YouTube and waited until eight pm struck on the clock. "Okay put down your phone." Taehyung instructed. Iseul did what he said with a curious look on her face.


"Is my YouTube tweaking or what?"



Taehyung smiled before tapping the screen and handing Iseul the electronic.  "What's this?" Iseul asked watching the intro of the video playing which was Iseul bouncing on her feet in front of the Mona Lisa with a huge smile on her face.

"Keep watching." Taehyung said. A soft melodic tune started when the clip switched to a clip of Iseul practicing the violin in what seemed to be one of the dance rooms at Hybe.

"the way I pulled out my laptop to watch the music video and why am I already crying😭"


"Look at the way Taehyungs watching her"

"Oh my god, Taehyung." She breathed out as Taehyung's voice started singing while different clips of her and Taehyung played. Tears clouded her vision as the song continued.

A few seconds later the tears ran down her face while she watched the video in silence. Taehyung wrapped an arm around her focusing on her completely disregarding the live.

As soon as the song ended Iseul closed the IPad and put it on the island. She covered her face with her hands before looking up at Taehyung who was smiling at her.

"That was the best gift I'll ever recieve, thank you so much." She said wiping her tears with her fingers. "Now I look like a mess." She muttered. "I swear it's the hormones." Iseul said out loud to the live.

"How did you even begin to make this." She asked. "I started making it when we got home after we found out you were pregnant." Taehyung answered. "I planned to release it on Christmas thats why it's Christmas themed."

"It's perfect, I love it." Iseul beamed.


Sorry for the late update

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Sorry for the late update...more than a month without updating damn😭I've just been so busy that I'd forget about this and boys can be very distracting

End of time | Taehyung x Oc Where stories live. Discover now