Chapter three

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"Ehh," She looked at the paint in front of her, avoiding Ushijima's eyes. "Ushijima-san..."

Somehow, it wasn't as difficult as she thought to persuade Ushijima. She was able to convince him to ditch class with her and go on a date to what seemed to be a modern art museum. Both were in their perspective school uniforms; it was a Wednesday morning; the place was almost empty.

She clearly didn't think this through.

"Wakatoshi is fine." He corrected.

"Why...why would I call you by your name?" She stuttered.

"Why not?" he raised a brow.

"Never mind." She murmured and lowered her gaze towards her fidgety fingers.

He studied her for a second, noticing her uneasy mood.

"Why are you fidgety?" He asks, his tone was curious.

"Uh..." His direct question takes her by surprise. She thought it was obvious that she felt nervous since it was the first time it was only the two of them.

"It's finally just both, aren't you happy?"

"No, it's not that. She furrowed her brows, knowing that if she doesn't say it directly, he won't comprehend, "It's just that this is the first time I go out with a guy."

"Why is that?" He asked again. "You are very pretty, I don't understand."

"Nothing like that," Immediately she blushed but tried to hide it avoiding his face. "Nii-chan never lets me, or he just comes with me."

"I see," He nodded. "Does he pick your boyfriend for you?"

"No," She laughed. "But he insists."

Ushijima looked at her and took a little step forward. Interrupting her eyes from the big canvas. And with rosy cheeks, she lifted her view to his green eyes.

"Would it be a point if Oikawa likes me?" He asks.

"Huh?" She flinched by placing her hands on her chest stooping him to get even closer, and potentially get her even redder. "Of course."

A little smile, that could pass unnoticed, posed on his lips when he saw her hands on him. He stared at them before taking them into his.

"It was too bad he couldn't come today."

She smiled at him. "it's okay, I like it like this. Ditching class to have a date." She giggled at her own actions.  "I can't get to know you, without any distractions."

Ushijima nodded and continued looking at her hands, bringing them closer to his eyes and inspecting them closely. Gently brushing the back of her hand with his thumb.

"W-what?" She stuttered, almost sounding pissed.

"Your hand is small."

She giggled. "Well, it's not going to be a huge gorilla hand like iwa-chan's."

"Iwaizumi?" Ushijima creased his brows as he looked at her. A little hint of jealousy in his voice.

"Yeah," she nodded. "You know him, right? He's a great pal of nii-chan, he usually comes to our house after school. He is like my second older brother." She explained.

"I see." He trailed off, to then direct his tender gaze back at her hands. "...I like your hands."

"W-what's up with you" she almost rolled her eyes.

"They are very soft; it just feels like I might crush it if I hold it too tight" he mutters.

"T-that's a scary thought Ushijima-san" She joked.

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