Chapter Sixteen

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"Oh...____-san, what are you doing here? It's still early." Takeru eyed at her, certainly confused.

It was her turn to pick Takeru up from his practice late at night, but today they canceled club activities. That meant that Toruu and her were going to be home at the same time.

"What do you mean what am I doing here?" She asked petting Takerus's head. "I'm just going to watch my favorite nephew play!"

"Yeah, sure." He intertwined his eyes suspiciously. "I'm your only nephew anyways..." He murmured.

"Go go they are calling you!" She fakely smiled and pushed him to leave her as she lied.

She wanted to run away from her older brother, but more than that... she knew Ushijima lived nearby despite never going to his house.

Why was she searching for him was the question in the first place, when she had ignored him and acted cold towards him to make him lose interest in her.

But just a quick glance won't do anything, right?

She sat over the small bleacher looking everywhere else but Takeru's practice.


Little did she know that Ushijima wasn't at his home, not even near it.

He was in front of hers, hoping to talk things...

He looked at the name once again to make sure the 'Oikawa' name wasn't misspelled.

He pressed the ring and waited for an answer with a huge boutique of flowers in his left hand.

No answer.

He rang again. A little more impatient.

He pressed it one more time.

"I'm coming i'm coming." A groan was heard on the other side. "I was sleeping ___, didn't you take your keys?!"

The door opened.

Revealing not a small girl with long hair and a lovely presence. But a guy with her same features, much tall and much more annoying.

"USHIWAKA?!" Oikawa Toruu gawked. Stupidly staring at him. "What are you doing here? and whAT ARE THOSE?! ROSES???"

A mix of anger and confusion surged through Oikawa, threatening to overwhelm him.

The sight of a vulnerable Ushijima with flowers in hand for his sister made a bitter laugh leave his lips as he struggled to come to terms with the absurdity of the situation.

The person he despised the most...was standing at his doorstep with flowers in hand.

"I came to talk." Ushijima's expression remained calm and composed.

Oikawa's face contorted with a mix of disbelief and incredulity.

'How can he even face ME?' He thought.

"Well, she is not here." Oikawa, his expression still frozen in disbelief, moved to close the door, but Ushijima's hand swiftly intercepted it, preventing it from shutting completely.

"I dont want to talk to her," Ushijima spoke firmly, his voice carrying a hint of determination. "I want to talk to you, Oikawa."

Oikawa's brows furrowed, caught off guard by Ushijima's insistence. He couldn't comprehend why Ushijima would seek him out, especially after their strained interactions. Yet, there was a resolute sincerity in Ushijima's gaze that gave him pause.

"Why would I want to talk to you?" Oikawa's voice trembled slightly, a mixture of anger and vulnerability seeping through.

Ushijima's grip on the door loosened, but he maintained his position, keeping the door from closing completely. His eyes met Oikawa's, unwavering and earnest.

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