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What was I thinking?  Did I just moan as we kiss?  Wait a minute, he is my mate and I am entitled to enjoy our bond.  But I just almost told him that I hate him.  I wanted to push him away and pretend he does not get to me but he is just too great a kisser.  I have never been kissed like that before, that kind that melts you and takes you to La La Land.  No wonder women line up to hook up with him.  And that is a problem for me, right?  Look at me talk to him about self-respect, when on the slightest touch I crumble.  Great, it's been our second meeting and I am already going crazy!

He has been holding my arm for quite sometime now.  He has major trust issues if he thinks I am stupid enough to run again with him this close.  The alpha king is truly a werewolf god.  He is handsome, smart, strong, powerful, and intimidating.  But behind the physical perfection, I can sense loneliness, defensiveness, and uncertainty.  Could a king like him fear anything, I wonder.

He abruptly stopped and released my arm.  His face became serious and troubled.  I observed him in his silence, he is in mind link with someone.  

"Is there a problem?"  I am really curious.

He sighed.  "Nothing that can't be fixed my little bunny."  He gave a quick smile.

I was about to raise objection about the little bunny endearment but his smile got me distracted.   

"We have a serious matter to discuss with my beta and gamma at the pack house.  Your sister is also there, and yes, she is unharmed.  No one will dare harm you or Harper in this place.  I promise you this, Lyanna."

"Thank you."  

"From this point, I can't be seen near you or touching you.  My guards are coming in a minute to escort you to the pack house.  I will follow you in few minutes."  With that Knox stepped back and urged me to walk forward.  I felt cold the moment he is at a distance from me.  How can the mate bond be this strong when we have just practically met?  I am mated to an alpha king, that's why.  Everything will be ten times magnified with us, the possessiveness, the dependence, the heat, the marking, the mating, the love, the hate, the joy, the pain, everything.  

Unconsciously, I looked back at my mate.  He was there looking forlorn as he keeps his eyes on me.  Something in me wanted to run back to him to comfort him but he might think I'm too clingy.  


"Ly!"  Harper ran to give me a huge hug.  "Hey, sweetie, are you okay?  Are they nice to you here?"

"Yes, they are all nice to me.  They say I am pretty but I told them not as pretty as you.  Are we going home?" 

"I am not sure yet.  Listen, we have to talk some more and this is a grown-up talk so do you think you can manage to go to bed without me?"  

"Okay.  Good night, Ly.  I love you."  She kissed me and went with a pack member assigned to look after her. 

The beta, gamma, and I are already in the alpha king's office waiting for him.  "This is Vino, the royal gamma.  Vino, this is Luna Lyanna,"  Rhett said.  Vino extended a hand with a smile, I reciprocated with a smile and a shake, "Lyanna, just Lyanna, nice to meet you."  

Someone growled.  The alpha king banged the door and his face can't be sketched.  "Do not touch her without my permission," he howled.  Vino knelt and exposed his neck.  

"With all due respect, your highness, you can't expect the luna to not be shaking hands with other people.  We know she is your mate but some touching can't be avoided."  Rhett had a death wish because the moment he finished his feet were up in the air as the king held him by his neck in one hand.  

"Let him go, please.  Alpha King, let go."  I tried to plead with him.  He released his beta.  He grabbed me to my surprise.  He held me in his arms, nozzled my neck and kissed my forehead.  Geez, talk about public display of affection or more likely public display of territorial claims. "Mine", he declared.

Knox sat me to the right side of the conference table as he took the front chair.  The beta and gamma sat on the left side of Knox.  

"Alpha King, this is exactly what we need to address.  If you want to protect the luna you need to play it cool.  Your actions give you away", Rhett started.

I raised my hand like in a recitation in school because I am not sure if I am allowed to join in the discussion.

"Yes, Lyanna, what is it,"  Knox replied.

"Protect, what does he mean protect?  Am I in danger?" Knox gave Rhett a see-what-you-did look.  He nodded at Rhett to do the honors of explaining himself.

"Just this evening, a third alpha who is in alliance with the king lost his mate.  We think there is a pattern to the deaths of three lunas.  An anonymous enemy is threatening the king's close allies to cut ties with the throne.  They are being threatened of losing their beloved mate if they stay loyal to King Knox.  Poetic justice as they say.  Now, imagine if the werewolf world would learn that the king has a mate.  The enemy's plan will surely revert to destroying King Knox himself by eliminating his mate even before she bears him his royal heir.  And because of this we cannot reveal yet that the king has a mate.  We need to establish a well-organized protection protocol for the luna queen first.  Until then, the king must distance himself with you, Luna Lyanna. On the other hand, once the public learns that the king has a mate, this will strengthen his rule because a mate makes an alpha more powerful.  The issue of future heir will be addressed."

I am speechless.  What did I get myself into?  

Rhett continued, "This is why we highly suggest that the luna and her sister stay here in the pack house because if you bring them to the palace people will suspect your close ties with her."  

"I will not allow this!  She stays close to me so I can protect her.  People are used to seeing me with women in the palace.  No one will ever think she is much more to me than the other women,"  Knox appealed.

"Wait one moment!"  I stood up because I could not believe what he just implied.  "I will not allow you to tarnish my reputation.  I refuse to be counted as one of your playmates!  I am a respected pack nurse and my baby sister looks up to me.  You will not do this to me!" 

"Then choose, be my queen and expose yourself and your sister to danger, or play along as my flavor of the month and stay safe with me?" He screamed as he towered over me.

We were blowing heat off our noses at each other.  Beta Rhett came in between us.  "We do not need to solve everything tonight.  It has been a long day especially for the luna.  Let us convene tomorrow when our heads are cleared and emotions have simmered down."  

With much convincing, Knox left for the palace as I was allowed to sleep here at the pack house.

I kissed Harper before I dropped on my bed beside her.  I need to be wise about my future decisions because my sister's life and future is also linked in all of this.  Poetic justice, what does that mean? How did the three lunas die?  So many questions left unanswered. 

 Mood Goddess, what do you want from me that you paired me with the Alpha King?  I dozed off wishing the goddess will answer me in my dreams.

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