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Luna Amanda

Knox visited his father alone.  He requested me to look after the Luna Queen since she is not feeling well.  I went to see Lyanna and the moment I opened the door I could feel negative vibration.

"It is so nice of you to stay with me, Luna Amanda.  Doctor Martin could still not trace the source of my discomfort.  I am honestly scared for my pup.  I am glad, though, that you are here."  Lyanna held on to my hand.  I was moved by her words.  I guess at my age, being needed is a big thing, that I still hold some purpose and light in this world.  However, I share her fears.  I too, am worried about my unborn grandchild.  There is something strange about her sickness.  

"Let me bring you a cold towel for your forehead.  It may soothe the headaches, "  I offered.  As I stood from her bed, Lyanna started churning and grunting.  She was in utter pain as she clutch her stomach.  Instantly, I thought of Knox.

Knox, son! Come quick, it's Lyanna!  I mind-linked my son.  

I embraced Lyanna as she trembles and curls in pain.  Moon Goddess help us.  I kept saying this.

The door banged open and Knox came rushing in with Rhett, Nadia, Vino, Harper, and the re-hired omega, Myla.

"Lyanna, I am here, my love.  How can I remove this pain from you?"  Knox asked helplessly.

"Ly, I love you.  Get well soon, okay?"  Harper is crying now.  I took Harper in my arms to console her.  I could almost imagine her fear.  If anything happens to her sister, this angel will be left all alone in this world.

"Rhett, call all the top doctors from the ten nearest packs here.  Please!"  Knox summoned.

"It hurts so much!  My precious baby!  I can't loose our baby!"  Lyanna said in tears as she appeals to her mate.  It breaks my heart to witness my family deal with heavy blows of life.  Blow after blow after blow.  How can life be this testing on us?  We can only survive by standing next to each other, by being together.

"We will get through this, my children.  We have to keep hope.  There is always a way, I promise."  I tried to uplift their spirits somehow.

"I have seen this before,"  someone whispered at the back.  We all turned to look at the one who spoke.

Myla, Harper's nanny, looked at us and uttered, "My King, I have seen this before.  If you will allow me, may I look at her tummy?" She asked.

"Yes, go ahead, please,"  downright Knox consented.

Myla approached the Luna Queen, nodded for permission to lift Lyanna's blouse, as the male wolves looked away.  When Myla lifted the clothing she gasped.  We all got nervous.  Knox and I took a closer look.  And there on Lyanna's already bulging tummy are rune marks that looked like the roman numeral II.  

"The dilemma curse!  I knew it!  It's the dilemma curse!"  Myla trembled and cried.  My Luna Queen, I am so sorry.  My King, I am so sorry...." 

"What is it?"  Lyanna's panicked voice echoed in the corners of the room.

"A witch!  We need a powerful witch.  A witch can tell if this is really the dilemma curse and she may have knowledge on how to deal with this."  Myla supplied.

"Son, if you can trust me, I know the best witch to call.  She has never let me down before.  I believe in her prowess and gifts.  She may be what we need,"  I said.

Knox approached me and embraced me.  My heart burned for him.  Knox fears for his mate and pup.  I held my son tight.  My tears fell but I have to be strong for him.  

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