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High ranking warriors, together with my uncle, Alpha Waylen, are with us in the king's office as an emergency meeting was called by Knox.  My mate came rushing home minutes ago when he heard about Harper.  He was extremely anxious more for me than Harper.  I can't fault him.  He found me pale, sobbing, with puffy eyes, and with hoarse voice.  I refuse to eat anything and only Knox's arms and kisses could calm me a bit.  

"We begin by listing names of people who could have possible motive, grudge, or bad blood against the king and or the queen," the general started.

"Yara." I instantly stated.

Rhett shook his head, "Yara is locked up in the dungeons.  Alpha Magnus, in the name of Queen Lyanna, sentenced her to a month in the dungeon and after which her banishment from the continent Europe for perpetuity commends."

"My parents."  Knox augmented.

"You can't be serious, my King.  They adore Harper like their own.  I find that hard to believe!"  I contested.

"You have known them how long, my Queen?  Our rife lasted almost a century now.  Do not trust so easily my love.  Remember the teacher said that grandparents came to fetch Harper and she recognized them."  

"Surely, the teacher and school guards would have recognized the former king and queen if it was really them."  I countered.

The general grunted and listed Alpha Magnus and Luna Amanda on the white board as numbers one and two.  "Who else," he insisted.

"Every scorned ex-lover of the king is a suspect."  Rhett needed to be direct despite Knox's glower.

After a long list of possible suspects, the general laid out his brilliant plan on tracking Harper from school to where ever the clues and tracks will lead.  The listed people on the board will have spies to watch out for their actions and whereabouts.  It was decided for the best that Harper's disappearance be kept within the palace walls.  No one is suppose to spread the story to the rest of the pack or outside the pack.  The emergency meeting ended with my head cracking and popping already.

"Lyanna, stay for a few more moment, I need to speak with you."  Knox requested.  I nodded in approval.  When everyone has left the room Knox pulled a chair to sit directly in front of me.

"My Queen, I hope you are aware of the possibility that who ever took Harper is using her to bait you and therefore to bait me.  Harper is your weakness.  YOU are my weakness.  People know this.  The enemy is cunning but I promise you they will never succeed."

"How could they involve a child into this?  What has she done to them?  My heart breaks in thinking they are hurting or scaring her.  Knox, we have to save her, I  beg you!  My mother's last breath were spent making me promise that I will care and protect for Harper."

Knox stood and pulled me up into an embrace.  "No need to beg, little bunny.  We will find her and she will be safe again in your arms."  Knox held my face with his two hands. "Lyanna, promise me that you will not act on your own, that you will not do anything impulsive and without my knowledge.  I need to be assured of this or else I cannot focus on the task of hunting for your sister.  Promise me."  He pleaded.

"I promise."  

"Do you trust me?"  He asked.

"Yes, I trust you, Knox."  

Knox took me to our chamber and stayed with me until I fall asleep.  


I woke up at about 8:00 in the morning.  Knox has already left the bed.  I showered, dressed up, and marched to the kitchen as my tummy is grumbling.  I promised myself that after breakfast, I will ask for an update.  I prayed for good news.  Moon Goddess, help us.

Two omegas served me light breakfast.  As I was taking the last sip of my orange juice, Myla entered the kitchen looking quite not herself.

"Myla, is something the matter?"  I needed to ask.  She was hesitating to approach but in the end decided to be done with it, what ever it is.

"My Queen, an omega found this mysteriously tacked in the food delivery for the palace.  She got scared what to do with it so she approached me.  Honestly, I am also scared, my Queen, about this.  I do not know if it is wise to give it to you or give it directly to Beta Rhett.  But I figured, a wrong move may cause little Harper's demise.  IF this is about her disappearance.  Here my Queen, this envelope has your name on it."  She handed me a small blue envelope with "Lyanna" written on it.

Surely, whoever this came from is not recognizing my queenship as to the audacious use of just my first name.  

"Myla, speak to know one of this, do you understand?  Even the omega who first handled this letter is not suppose to tell anyone."  I commanded.

"As you wish my Queen."  She assured me.

"My Queen, is there a problem?"  Myla and I synchronously got startled as Nadia approach us.  I immediately hid the letter in my pocket and glared at Myla.

"Nothing, Nadia.  Myla just expressed her worries about Harper."  I lied.

"Myla, do not bother the Queen with your woes.  She has already too much on her plate.  Get going now!"  Nadia scolded.

"Are you sure, Lyanna?  You seem pale and agitated.  Please know that you can count on me.  I will lay my life for you."  

"Thank you, Nadia.  But, really I am just worried.  I wish to retire to my room now.  Excuse me."  I do not want to prolong this lying and so I dashed back to my chamber and locked the door.

I sat on the edge of the bed and my hands shake as I pull out the letter.  I opened it and took out a white paper.

Lyanna, we have your sister.  We require that you personally come get her.  You need to come alone or with just one person who you think can best guard your safety.  THE KING MUST NOT BE INVOLVED IN THIS or else this may end up bloody.  We will hand you your sister at the cottage fifty trees inward of the Idavollen Forrest.  Any wrong move may jeopardize everything.  Today....

A tear fell  on the letter.  Oh my Goddess, they got her.  I read the letter five times more.  The part that I am allowed to bring a body guard confuses me.  What are they up to?  Do they need a witness as to what they plan to do with me?  I recalled Knox's warning about being a bait.  I could hardly breathe with all these stress.

My love, Nadia told me you are looking pale.  How do you feel?  Please try to calm down, we are doing our best here.  I love you.  Knox mind linked.

I am truly fine.  I just had to adjust because I skipped meal for an entire day and then ate breakfast today.  Thank you for doing your best, my love.  Be safe. I love you too. Any news yet?

We are following a lead but I do not want to preempt things.  She will be found. Sleep and rest.  I'll see you tonight. 

What should I do?  Should I tell Knox?  I promised him.  But this may put Harper in bigger trouble.  I also promised my mother.  I am torn and scared.  I wish mom was here. 

I roughly wiped my tears and pulled myself together.  I am a queen and I am a big sister.  I should make decisions and accept consequences.  I decided to rescue Harper behind Knox's back.  Forgive me, my love...

Who do I bring with me is the next predicament?

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