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Years Later... 


After the dilemma curse has been lifted the royal pack has experience peace and prosperity.  Knox, as prophesied, has started proving to the entire werewolf kingdom how capable and mighty an Alpha King he could be.  The greatest so far.

Alpha Magnus and Luna Amanda decided to stay for good here in the palace with us.  Harper was the happiest with this decision.

Rhett and Nadia are expecting their first pup in few more months.  They thought the Moon Goddess would not bless their union with a pup but to their delight, after six years being together, it is finally happening.

Vino found his second chance mate in the human world.  Vino is super protective of his mate, Alora.  She is the sweetest!  We were all happy for his new found life with his mate.

As for Knox and I, it was not all rainbows and unicorn but we couldn't be more grateful that we are together in love.  You see, the birth of our first born was complicated back then.

Years ago Doctor Martin and Genoveva broke the news to us about our baby.  

"My King and Queen, I am afraid to say this but your pregnancy is unusual.  The pup is in wolf form, therefore, he can only be born with the Queen in wolf form,"  Doctor Martin said.

"Pray to the Moon Goddess that when he is born he could shift to human form or else he may stay wolf all his life, or shift to human form in his teen years,"  Genoveva continued.

Knox and I could not believe it!  "How did this happen?"  Knox asked.

"My King, I believe the circumstance during the Queen's early pregnancy is the factor in this oddity."  Genoveva replied.

"I do not care if he is in wolf form or human form, this pup is the royal heir!  He is  my son!"  I cried.

"Yes, my love, he is our son and we will be here for him.  Whatever is his destiny we will remain his family."  Knox assured me.

Our pup was born as a literal wolf pup.  But surely, our son had surprised us, because when he came out, his fur is golden as in shimmering golden.  We named him Gylden.  He is the only one in the werewolf kingdom to have such majestic golden fur.  Sometimes I was thinking could his beautiful fur be from the double marking I received from his father or maybe not.

It was a challenge rearing Gylden in his infancy to toddler years.  We had to be in wolf form to feed him and start teaching him how to communicate.  

His first tutors were the best of the best but could only teach him about the human world through mind linking.  Warriors in wolf form trained him in offensive and defensive attacks.  Through out his childhood we were already seeing great and promising things about our son despite his inability to shift to human form.  We loved him just the same as our other children.  

Luciana is our second born and our only daughter.  Luciana is a handful princess.  Knox worshipped his daughter.  He calls her "Precious Bunny".

Oskar, is our last born.  He is a shy prince but he has his own charms.  He is close to his brother Gylden.  Though he can't shift yet into wolf form because he is still young, this did not stop him from forming a beautiful brotherly bond with his wolf brother.

The royal family was hoping that when Gylden turns 16, he could shift into human form.  But it did not happen.  Then a year passed, then another, then another.  Gylden is losing hope and starting to think he has been cursed like his father before.  He grew distant from us.  He is often angry and miserable.


On his twentieth year, as Gylden was hunting for his food in the forest, he encountered a she-wolf who turned out to be his mate.  On that very moment, Gylden shifted for the first time to his human form.  And what a stunning man he turned out to be.

The whole kingdom rejoiced in his shifting and in finding the next Luna Queen.  A beautiful life and love is about to unfold.  

Knox and I are thankful and happy that even when life got hard and testing, we somehow made it through together.

"Little bunny, how about a pup number 4?"  Knox teased.

"My love, how about we just wait for our grand children?  Harper is about to give birth to her second pup.  Alora is pregnant with baby number 2 as well.  There's gonna be new babies soon."  I consoled.

"Yeah, new babies!  The palace was never this busy and happy until all these pups came.  My father and mother are having the time of their lives playing grand parents role.  Alright, my love, no more babies for us.  But to compensate for this,  let's go on our fifth honeymoon!  I miss having you all by myself."  Knox demanded.

"Where to this time?"

"To Maldives!"  Knox smiled.  "Seeing you in two-piece as waves wash over your silken skin will surely be a sight to behold." 

"Maldives, hmmm... And can you promise that there will be no past playmates of yours in that part of the world that we may encounter, my playboy Alpha King?" 

"Lyanna, really, until now? "  He winked and kissed my forehead.  "That my little bunny, I can't promise."

..........THE END...........

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