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"You will love Tok Aba's hot chocolate! It's amazing!" BoBoiBoy exclaimed.

"Huh, perhaps you should try my Amma's curry it's more delicious" Gopal bragged.

"It really is but nothing beats Tok's special hot chocolate"

And that's how they both got into an argument but it came to an end when Yaya said that her cookies were way better than both.

"You will stay at my place. It will be so fun! My parents are overseas so we can stay there" y/n said happily.

"We can go on girl's night out!" Ying suggested.
"Oh my yes! We have a new member in the club now! It will be so much fun" Yaya rejoiced.

"I am really looking forward for everything" I said and chuckled.

"Can you guys go and talk to Kaizo too. He is standing there all alone looking like a sad kid who didn't get his favourite toy" I requested and they all giggled.

Fang got up from his seat and went to Kaizo.

"Wassup bro?!"

"Are you sure Kaizo is not gonna scold Fang for speaking to him like that?" I asked.
"Nahh, just chill out" y/n assured.

"What?" Kaizo asked with a poker face.

"You seem so lost. Are you lost in Y/N's beauty?" Fang joked which left me flustered.

Getting no reply from his brother, Fang thought he messed up.

"I was just ki-"

"And what if I am?" Kaizo replied.

"W-what?" Fang stuttered.

"What if I am lost in her thoughts?" He asked and suddenly looked at me.

We made a 0.1 second eye contact and I just turned my head to some other direction totally flustered.

"Ohh so he has that effect on you~"
y/n teased.
"Stop teasing me" I complained making her chuckle.

"Guys we are about to land! Everyone fasten your seatbelts" BoBoiBoy ordered.

"PLANET EARTH HERE WE COME!!" Everyone cheered.


The spaceship landed safely infront of a small shop.

"Uhh my dearest earth I missed you so much" Papazola cried dramatically.

A group of people gathered near the spaceship with teary eyes and happy face.

As soon as the door of the spaceship opened. Gopal pushed BoBoiBoy and went to hug his Appa.

(That's not what happened in the movie but I did some justice to his father)

"Tok Aba!!!!" BoBoiBoy ran and hugged his grandfather who was holding back tears.

"I missed you Tok!" BoBoiBoy cried which made Tok cry too.
"I missed you too BoBoiBoy"

Ying and Yaya also went to hug their mother.

"Everyone get out of my way!" Papazola shouted and pushed Fang which made him fall on the ground very hard.

Papazola went and hugged a little girl which was none other than his very own daughter.

His daughter kept on asking him about his journey and he just kept on making up fake stories of his heroism.

It was very beautiful and heartwarming to see them reunite with their parents.

It made me miss my family and lightbot. It has been a while since I last met them.

Mr. Right || Kaizo X Reader حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن