Chapter 1

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It was a bright summer morning in the village of Nottingham when an old bearded man walked by. Carrying his required materials for his job, he made his way, only to be stopped by the guards.

'State your business,' they commanded.

With a sigh, the painter put down his equipment and said, 'I am Luther Rolfe, a painter. King Richard ordered me to come here to paint a portrait.'

Without any further questioning, the guards let him through as he made his way to the throne room, while a few curious eyes lingered over him as they followed him to his destination.

'Luther!' Exclaimed king Richard as his little brother prince John stood near him while Richard's friend Robin smiled at the old man.

'Your highness,' Luther bowed, 'Who is my muse today?'

'Oh, I am sorry Luther for not informing you but there have been changes in my plans.' Richard stated. 'You see my friend, I was hoping for you to paint my portrait with my brother John and cousin Marion, but I have been summoned by our neighbours to discuss some important matters.'

'No problem your highness. I would not bother you more now and make my way to my home.'

'No need to apologize Luther, I am the one who bothered you. Knowing how far your home is from Nottingham, I would be pleased to provide you a place to stay in my castle.'

'What?' shouted prince John in a surprised anger, 'I mean brother. You will not be present here to attend to our guest.'

'King Richard, if I may interrupt,' Robin said with a smirk, 'I am sure that Prince John will be much pleased to provide hospitality to Luther in your absence!'

'What a noble idea. Luther you may stay as long as you desire, and my brother will make sure that you are taken care of.'

Prince John glared at Robin who gave him a cheery yet mocking smile.

'However,' said the king, 'That does not mean I cannot assist you while I am here. Come along and I will show you your room.'

'King Richard?'

'Yes Robin?'

'If there is no problem, may I also accompany you? It would be nice to get to know your guest better.'

Luther smiled, 'It will be my pleasure to talk with the famous Robin Hood.'

'Well, if Luther does not have any problem, then neither do I.' stated the king as they left the room, leaving behind a furious Prince John who had already started to plan on how to make Luther's life miserable.

Meanwhile, the king and Robin accompanied Luther till they reached his room, all the while telling him about Robin.

'So, Robin. Why do you live here when you are the son of the Baron of Locksley?'

Tearing away his attention from the highly familiar closed door in the corridor, Robin continued to walk with the group. 'I just feel more attached to the forest and nature when I am here.' He said, choosing his words wisely as not to let King Richard aware of the fact that he has stolen the gold from the royal treasury multiple times.

'Here we are Luther. You can rest for some time. I know you have had a long journey. I will send my good friend Robin when the lunch is ready.'

'Thank you very much your highness,' Luther said with a bow.

'Robin I would like to ask you for a favor,' Richard said on his way back, 'I am quite aware of a few habits of my younger brother now and I would like to ask you if you would be okay to protect Luther from any harm.'

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