Chapter 2

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!...and the key is with Marion,' the twins finished, explaining the whole thing to Prince John as soon as the king left the castle.

'Well then I suppose there is only one thing we can do.' the prince mumbled, a glint of evil in his eyes.

'We can steal the treasure chest and break the lock?' Rolf suggested, angering prince John.

'No you fool!' he exclaimed, 'I want you both to bring me that key.'

'How exactly are we supposed to do that?' Ralf asked, scratching his head.

'And shouldn't we also steal the chest so it would be easier to transfer the treasure?' Rolf joined, clearly as confused as his brother.

Prince John rubbed his hands together, all the while mumbling, 'Oh, we will steal that chest, don't you worry. Just wait for the right time.'

'When will that be?' The twins asked in union, not understanding the prince's behaviour.

'stop asking questions and just do what you are told to do.' Prince John shouted, shooing away the twins out of the throne, sighing in the silence, 'What will happen to those idiots,' he muttered.


'Come on Marion, hurry up.' Scarlet said, standing at the door, 'Luther must also be waiting.'

Marion ran around the room, stuffing a few things in her bag all the while, 'Just give me a minute Scarlet. Where did i put my book?'

'Its on the table. And did you take the key.' Scarlet asked, putting little trust in her clumsy friend.

Marion looked at her annoyed, 'Yes Scarlet. That was literally the first thing to enter this bag.'

They walked out of the room, only to come face to face with Ralf.

'What do you want?' they asked.

'I am aware that my father has to accompany you both while you take our guest Luther out to show around the town.' he began.

'And what do you have to do with that?'

'You see,' he said, 'My father is busy as he has to take of a business given to him by the prince. I will be taking his place.'

Rolling their eyes, the girls moved forward, not at all shocked by this trick played by prince John. As soon as they left, Marion's room was a payed a visit by Rolf. He looked everywhere, under the bed, in the fire place, the vases, but was unable to find the key and left the room hoping that his brother will not face the same luck as his.

While out in the town, Marion and Scarlet were having a nice time. Even though with a lot of interruptions by Ralf to steal the key, they were happy as Luther was a great company. Apart from that, he also had a great knowledge of colours which proved helpful to the girls in buying different clothes.

'Here,' Luther said, picking up two pieces of clothes, 'These will match your hair colour well.'

After spending a lot of hours of being cautious about her bag, Marion let her guard down and kept the bag on the table to see how the cloth looked draped over her shoulders.

Not loosing the chance, Ralf grabbed it and slipped away from the small group of people, hoping to take the key out in a quit place.

In his hurry, he passed a short boy in blue attire without even noticing him. However, Tuck was quick enough to realise what was in Ralf's hand as he ran after him, Little John and Robin following behind him.

'What's wrong Tuck?' Little John asked as he explained the situation to his friends.

'Ugh, they did not even wait for a day,' Robin said as he climbed up a roof to catch up with Ralf faster and cornered him in an alley.

'Hey, Ralf,' Robin said as he advanced towards him Little John and Tuck at his side, 'Long time no see.'

'What do you want Robin?' Ralf asked, annoyed.

'That purse,' Little John said, 'I don't suppose it is yours?'

'See,' Ralf said, 'If you guys let me do my business, i will not catch you.'

'Really?' Tuck asked, 'I think the prize on our heads is much more than anything inside that bag.'

Ralf looked up, tearing his attention away from the bag.

'Aw,' Robin said, putting an arrow in his bow, 'He is considering it.' With that statement, an arrow landed on the ground, right next to Ralf's feet, taking him by shock as the place was filled with smoke. Snatching the bag from his hand, the three boys disappeared, leaving behind a confused Ralf.

'Ah, Robin,' Luther said as he saw him advancing towards them with his friend, 'It is nice to see you again!'

'I can say the same,' Robin said and faced Marion, handing her her bag, 'I think this belongs to you.'

Marion widened her eyes, but quickly regained her stature, 'Thank you,' she said politely.

'Is there anything we can do for you?' Scarlet asked.

'Well,' Little John began, 'You don't seem to have an escort anymore. Maybe let us accompany you till he comes back?"


As the bright afternoon sun shone over their heads, the gang me up at the den, having a plan to discuss.

'So I think Marion, you are ready to ask for my help?'

Robin asked, a smirk plastered on his face. 'Yeah,' she groaned with annoyance, slumping down at the hammock.

'Why can't we just steal the money inside the chest and return it when the king comes back?' Tuck asked, stuffing his face with a sandwich.

'Tuck,' Little John said, 'Less eaty, more thinky.'

'Now where is that key?' Robin asked.

'Here,' Scarlet said, handing over the simple yet important piece of metal to her brother.

'What are you even going to do with that?' Marion asked.

'Something which you failed to do.' He replied.

'Oh, come on, i have had it for only a day.'

'And you managed to loose it,' Tuck said, getting a death glare from the two girls in return.

'Marion,' Little John said walking upto her, 'Just take care of this fake key. We won't even mind if this ends up in the hands of the prince.'

'And what will you three do?' Scarlet asked, eyes gleaming with curiosity.

'Leave that to us.' Robin said, hanging the key to his belt.

'I am really not getting much good feeling about this Robin.' Marion said, standing up.

'Relax, Marion. It will be fine.'

'Marion is right,' Scarlet said, 'What if prince John tries to pin it all on Luther?'

Considering that for a moment Robin looked at the two girls, 'You know what, if you have any suspicion that Luther is in trouble, bring him here that very moment.'

'Alright,' they both said.

'Bye, see you...soon i guess?' Tuck said.

'I don't know,' Scarlet responded, 'I have to help my mother a lot. There is a guest in the palace you know.'

'I will come after lunch for my magic practice.' Marion said.

'Great,' Little John said, 'I hope you are getting better at it.'

'I sure am.'

'See, that's what practice does Marion,' Robin said, 'Maybe we can also focus on your archery lessons too when you come in the evening today.'

'I don't know Robin, i think i will stick to practicing one thing at a moment.'

'Oh, okay.' Robin said, the excitement in his eyes fading away.

The rest of the gang chuckled, 'I am just kidding Robin,' Marion reassured him 'I will never let go of that kind of offer.'

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