Chapter 4

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"Why are we emptying up the stuff in your chest again?" Scarlet asked as she carried some of the clothes from the chest upto the cupboard, Derke trotting behind her, holding a bunch of earrings.

Marion sat down on the ground, inspecting the chest. "Richard trusted me with the safety of the treasure and the key, I don't want to rely on help from others."

"You know it is okay to ask for help right?"

"Yeah, but I want to at least try to keep it safe by myself first you know. To see if I'm capable."

Scarlet gave her a knowing smile, "I understand. But I think you should tell Robin if you are planning to do something."

"I think Robin should tell me if he is planning to do something, not the other way around," Marion got up from the ground, "But don't worry I'll inform the guys the next time I see them."

"Can we go to the kitchen now," Derke whined, "I'm getting hungry."

Scarlet walked upto the door, "If you're so hungry you can go by yourself, Marion and I have work to do," she opened the door with huff, allowing Derke to walk out.

Meanwhile, a cart full of taxes and guards pulled into through the castle doors.

"Oh I hope there's food I am starving," one of the guards said as they all made their way towards the kitchen.

The three boys hiding in the cart popped out their heads, "Let's go they seem distracted enough." Robin said as they slowly made their way out.

Stealthily, they picked up the empty trunk, "Good thing the guards didn't pick it up. They'd know its empty, it is too light!" Little John commented.

"I can sit in it for you if it is too light," Tuck joked, stepping and sitting inside of it making the other two chuckle.

But the laughter did not last long as the gates to the castle building opened up, making Little John and Robin close the trunk lid as a reflex with Tuck inside of it. "Hey, let me out it is dark in here!" he said in muffled shouts only earning a mere 'shh' from the two as they his behind the cart.

"Where is my gold!" Prince John shouted as he stomped out into the bright sunlight, "They have been gone since morning how long does it take to collect bunch of taxes."

He looked around, seeing the cart with the trunk while the guards munched on some pies in the kitchen, "Hey! Guards!" Prince John shouted, "Stop stuffing your faces and get me that trunk. You can eat at your own time."

"Yes sire!" They said in unison as they went back to the trunk. "Doesn't it feel heavier?" one of the guard muttered while the other just shrugged. Robin and Little John ducked inside the cart as the guards picked up the trunk, giving each other a worried glance before following them into the throne room.

"We need them out of there before they open that chest," Robin said as he and Little John peaked inside from behind the door.

"I can go distract them," Little John suggested as he rested his club on his shoulder and straightened his back. 

Robin stopped him, "No. We can't alert them that we are here, it will only lure the guards away and not the Prince and will only make the switching of the chests difficult."

"Little John? Robin? What are you two doing here?" A gruff voice spoke from the ground.

"Derke, hi, we were just thinking of how to lure the Prince and the guards away from the-" Robin stopped midway and gave a mischievous smile, "I have a plan."


"OWOW!" The Prince shouted, "It bit me! That horrendous creature bit me why are you standing there go catch it!" He said pointing towards a chubby little hamster who ran out through the door, bunch of guards hurrying behind it.

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