Chapter 6

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"Why didn't you tell me anything?"

"Me? Why didn't you tell me?" Marion slumped down on the chair while Robin stood next to her, leaning against the table as Scarlet looked at her sadly.

The three were present in Marion's chamber as Marion narrated what had happened. Despite  the guards having gone for lunch and the corridors being empty, they talked in hushed tones, not wanting to attract more attention than they already have with the empty treasure chest incident. The door was closed, yet they worried of people eavesdropping, considering it was Marion's room from which the box had supposedly gone missing from.

"Well I," Robin fumbled trying to defend himself, "Didn't get the chance to." His response was only met by glares from the two girls and a rodent who had been woken up because of all the sounds.

"Look, you could have told me before you even executed the plan," Marion replied as Derke made his way up to her shoulder.

"I was going to but-"

"I don't even know what the baron would do even if he does find it since I was the one who lost it and-"

"Stop it you two." Derke shouted, silencing the quarreling youngsters, "Robin, what did you do with it after Tuck switched it."

Robin faced the hamster as he recalled the incidents of the other day, "I was supposed to take it out but there were alot of guards running around so Marion helped me slip inside a room."

"Wait," Marion interrupted, "Was it the one you left behind in Luther's room?"

"It was, yeah." Robin said, "It must still be there since we didn't get the chance to move it from there."

"But if the guards find it in Luther's room..." Scarlet trailed off, everyone understanding what she was implying.

She got up from her place, moving towards the door, opening it to take a glimpse of the situation outside, her eyes scanning the corridors. They were empty, but the marching of a few guards could still be heard as their shadows moved around. "I don't think we would be able to get it out," she announced, "There are still a few guards, and I don't think either of us being seen with a big treasure chest at the moment would be a good idea."

The room felt silent again as everyone tried to come up with what to do to get out of the situation they were all stuck in. Robin walked up to his sister, glancing at the guest chamber visible across the long corridor. 

"We may not be able to retrieve the chest," he said, "but we can help Luther."


Luther woke up to the sound of someone knocking at his door. Being told that no one was allowed to leave the castle's premises due to some search being in progress, he had decided to rest for a while, tired from the long morning of painting in the garden. Despite King Richard not being present, he had still taken it upon himself to paint a few landscapes and portraits for the castle walls as a way to show his gratitude to the king and the royal family.

Opening the door he locked eyes with the three kids staring back at him, "How may I help you?" he asked, confused by the sudden visit.

"We think it would be in your best interest if you can leave the castle? Just for a short while," Robin explained, as politely as he can without making it seem like they were trying to kick the old painter out.

"Robin!" Luther exclaimed joyously, happy to see the young beloved outlaw, "I wasn't aware you were allowed in the castle again."

Robin looked around, making sure no one has heard Luther as Marion and Scarlet gestured him to follow them through the castle. "I am not," Robin said, "That's why we should hurry."

Reaching the main entrance gate, Marion walked out first, seeing the group of guards munching on their meal while a few stood at the draw bridge entrance.

"There are guards everywhere, I don't think you'd be able to get out unnoticed," she said to Robin.

"Why are we doing this?" Luther asked, confused by what all this was about. Robin turned to look at him, "We'll explain everything later," he jogged up to a staircase, "You three go out through the front, I'll manage another way out."

"You sure?" Luther asked again, worried.

"Don't worry, I've done it multiple times before," Robin said with a smile before walking up, his bow ready in his hands as a precaution.

Marion fully opened the door, walking down the stairs with the other two, "We should hurry before they are finished with the meal, maybe if we walk out while they are busy eating they won't think of it much and let us pass."

"With the way they are eating, I don't they'll ever be finished with that meal," Scarlet commented.

They walked in hurried steps, trying their best to look casual to avoid any suspicion but were halted when their way was blocked by two spears being held in a cross formation by the guards.

"No one goes out," one said.

"Prince's orders," the other added.

The girls looked at each other before Marion took a step forward to confront the guards, "Well, I am the princess, and we need to take care of some business in the town so let us go through, that's an order," she said sternly.

"The prince's order ranks higher than that of the princess."

"I am the one King Richard left in charge, not my brother."

The guards chuckled, "You are the one who caused all this mess."

Scarlet frowned at guards rudeness, "Hey, that's no way to talk to the princess."

Meanwhile, hiding behind a stone wall, Robin watched from the balcony of a low rising tower, worried at the escalating argument between the girls and the guards.

"They'll never let them through," he sighed, pulling out an arrow and aiming it near the wall next to one of the guard.

The guard jumped, letting out a squeaky yelp when something swooshed past him. He turned around to see a green arrow stuck to the wood.

"Don't you know it's not very gentlemanly to argue with people like that," He said nonchalantly, shooting another arrow towards one of the wooden pillars of the kitchen, a rope tied at the end. The guards became alert, hurrying towards the spot.

Robin jumped from the rope, diving towards a sack of wheat flour which he threw at the guards running towards him, soon accompanied by a stink arrow to further delay them.

"Go, I'll meet you at the edge of the forest," he whispered as he ran past the girls and Luther, who took the guards distraction as an opportunity.

"Try a little harder, it seems like a nice day to catch your favourite thief don't you think?" They heard Robin say as they discretely made their way out.



I'm sorry I feel like this story is going more action paced so I'll try to have more conversation/feelings related chapters soon? Like I said, I planned this(atleast this arc) years ago so figuring my way around it is quite tricky so I'm sorry if it seems like a mess. I'll try my best to make the future arcs better.

Anyways, I hope you are enjoying it regardless of it's flaws?

If so, thanks for sticking around it really means alot.

(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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