Chapter 1 - Finding the Job

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Nia was bustling around the kitchen, her mother by her side as they prepared a spread of snacks and treats for the sleepover that was about to begin. The house was filled with the delicious aroma of freshly baked brownies and buttery popcorn, and Nia couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling up inside her. It had been far too long since she had seen her closest friends, and she was eager to spend a fun and relaxing evening with them.

"Mom, can you hand me the bag of chips please?" Nia asked, reaching for a bowl on the counter.

"Sure thing, sweetie," her mother replied, passing her the bag. "So who's coming over tonight? Stacy and Jessica, right?"

Nia nodded, her eyes lighting up with a smile. "Yeah, it's been months since we've all been able to hang out. I'm so excited!"

"I'm sure you are," her mother said, chuckling. "But don't forget to clean up when you're done, okay?"

Nia grinned. "Of course, Mom. We always do."

Nia was a 22 year old, with a kind heart and a contagious smile that could light up any room. She had grown up in a small neighborhood in the Florida, and had always been drawn to the beauty of nature and the simplicity of life.

Nia was the type of person who always put others first, and went out of her way to help anyone in need. She had a natural empathy and a deep sense of compassion, which made her a beloved member of her community. Her friends and family often turned to her for advice and support, knowing that she would always be there for them no matter what.

Despite her caring nature, Nia was also a fiercely independent woman with a strong sense of self confidence. She had always been interested in exploring the world and experiencing new things.

Currently, the day has come that Nia had been eagerly anticipating for weeks. Her friends, Stacy and Jessica were coming over for a sleepover at her house, and they were going to watch a live concert of their favorite K-Pop group, BTS. Nia had been a fan of BTS for years and had taken Korean language lessons in college to better understand their music and interviews. She knew that her friends were excited for the concert, but they didn't understand Korean, so Nia would have to be their translator.

The reason why Nia, Stacy, and Jessica were having a sleepover on this Friday night was because it had been months since they had all been able to spend time together. Life after college had been hectic for all of them, with each of them pursuing their own careers and dealing with the responsibilities of adulthood. They had planned the sleepover weeks in advance, looking forward to catching up and enjoying each other's company. The BTS live was just a happy coincidence, and they were all excited to watch it together and share in the excitement.

Together, Nia and her mother finished up the last of the preparations, laying out bowls of chips and dip, arranging trays of cookies and candy, and making sure there was plenty of soda and water on hand. As they worked, they chatted about their day, catching up on the latest news and gossip.

Finally, the doorbell rang, and Nia rushed to answer it, her heart beating with anticipation. Stacy and Jessica were standing on the porch, big grins on their faces as they hugged Nia tightly.

"Hey girl!" Stacy exclaimed, stepping inside. "We brought some snacks too. Figured we should contribute something to the feast."

Nia laughed. "Thanks. You didn't have to."

Jessica nodded, her eyes scanning the living room eagerly. "So where's the TV? I am only here to watch the BTS concert?"

"We are going to my bedroom." Nia told them then the girls quickly hurried to Nia's room through the living room, after greeting Nia's mom.

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