Silly Young Me

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      ~~~Firstly, I want to say that this was like a secret of mine like no one ever read this so I think 14-year-old me won't be too happy about me posting it, but I think she will understand anyway hope you like it. ~~~

         If anyone ever reads this understand me and what I wrote.

Am just outside sitting next to Jack (my pet dog) the wind is blowing but am still feeling hot.

Something is wrong with me literally because for a while I have been feeling that something is missing.

From my life my heart or just me like something or maybe someone left me but it, he/she is still so nearby.

To be honest this is bull shit am writing like am some kind of poet or some motivational speaker.

I guess the real problem is because my grandmother on the 18th of May and I did love her. 

And am sure I miss her like to the point of crying you know.

But that's the thing I just can't cry like everyone is crying my mom, dad, sister, brother, totally everyone.

But I just can't, and this isn't the first time I just can't cry when someone dies even if someone, I really love dies I don't think I would still cry.

It's not that I don't want to I just can't, and I have no one to share this pain with that will actually not judge me.

So, what do you think? and this isn't the end I just need your feedback to know if I should continue writing so vote and comment your thoughts. ^^ 

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