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The good memories always feel like fantasies the good memories always seem fake,

Cause the bad ones are what we make almost every day,

Good memories are few and the ones we knew,

Bad memories are new and are really cruel,

The good memories leave your eyes dry and happy,

The bad ones leave them wet because you will for sure be crying,

No matter how hard you try the bad memories will always come which means the good ones are already gone,

Must we always have bad ones because I feel they are always more and with the good ones you feel like you've already won,

But without the good or bad memories no memory would be formed,

We need them both to feel pain and from that pain we will gain,

Maybe we need to cry so we can strive,

Maybe we need to scream so we can feel,

We need to shout to just let it all out,

We need all these things to make some memories.

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