Should Be My Suicide Note

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To be honest I don't know where this is going,

Just felt sad so I'm writing,

Well actually I should be dying,

But I can't go without a note,

So you will all know,

I have tried so I have to go,

Can't bear it anymore in the name of hope,

I see everyone grow,

My friends glow,

Where do I fit no one knows,

I'm tired of the pain,

I can't keep being fake,

I tried to pretend,

But it's not what I intend,

The pain broke my defence,

Now I'm all by myself,

No one is catching me as I fall,

Quick call,

A knife might go through my skull,

I think it's right,

I should stab myself with a knife,

Who knows I might do it tonight,

Sitting there bleeding,

Until I see the bright lights,

Fucking memories flash pass my eyes,

Tomorrow when the sun shines bright,

I can imagine the headlines,

'17 year old girl committed suicide,'

'By stabbing herself with a knife,'

To be honest it actually sounds nice,

Let me get to work it's almost time,

Don't worry I'm alright everything is fine,

Just want to take a deep sleep,

Because this fucked up world ain't mine,

So see you soon and GOODBYE ^_^

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