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I lay in bed that night thinking about him and when I did finally get to sleep he was in my dreams as well. I was sure that he wasn't thinking about me half as much as he was invading my mind. Before dawn I was up and dressed since sleep didn't want to stick around. I took some bread and wine from the table and sat before the low fire. As I munched I tried to think of the plans we needed to make. We couldn't stay in this place forever. We needed to make a move. To let the people know that I was alive and wasn't going to leave them to the hands of the enemy. We needed a statement, an action that the people could see and cling to in hope. I gathered the letters and information we'd gotten. Then looked at the numbers we'd written of those that we knew followed me. I had an idea but it would be risky and the general was no doubt not going to like it. I waited until the general and I were alone. The men had eaten breakfast and gone about their duties. The general started to go out and put the men not on duty through there paces.

"Before you go General I had something I wanted to discuss."

"More personal questions?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No." I motioned to the table and he came over to see what I was pointing at. "This is the list of scheduled supply convoys headed for the capital. this..." I pointed to another list. "is the current standings of where our men are deployed. This is where they meet." I watched him take in the information. "Here along the kings road a half days ride of this village is a very wooded very empty stretch. It wouldn't be hard to send the men watching the northern troop movements to intercept and take the supplies."

"Why do we need these specific supplies?" He asked.

"We don't. What we need is a clear message to Tyne, and the people that he is not wanted. We need him on his guard and the people to know that my being alive isn't rumor and I am going to take back this kingdom."

"It's supplies, how is that going to be inferred as you being alive."

"These supplies are going to the capital for Tyne's ball. He isn't very well going to steal his own supplies. No one but us would have a reason take them."


"The supplies would come in handy I'm sure for the men in that part of the kingdom."

"This may not be enough. To keep the peoples hope up we may have to do this in various places."

"Yes. I know it's not much but it's a start. The more people that fall away from Tyne the better."

"It's a good idea. I'll send out messages. If we're lucky we can get several supply convoy's in the next couple weeks. Just in time for the ball. The nobility won't be very happy with him." Dawes pointed out.

"No. I've been thinking on that actually. While most of the lords will not make waves in fear of losing what they have. There is one that I think would be a good spy for us."

"Which one?"


"Watkins? Lord Watkins is spineless we'd have better luck trying to storm the castle then get him to help."

"Not Vernon, his son Neil. Neil was military until his father decided that he and not his older brother should inherit the title. He has always been a close friend and at odds with Tyne. My former fiance and he have come to blows in times past even. If we could get a message to him. we'd have our own little spy on the inside."

"How can you be sure that he won't be swayed by Tyne." I blushed and cleared my throat.

"I'm sure."

"Yes but how?" He crossed his arms and stared at me. I sighed and looked down at the table.

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