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At the border to Alasia I heaved a sigh. With the crossing of the border we were safer. It would still be a four day trip to the palace. I rehearsed what I would say to the Queen. I didn't feel remotely ready when we came into sight of the palace. The one thing I hadn't thought about was the possibility that I would encounter Tyne's men in the city. We'd barely entered the gates when I heard swords draw and Eric shouting to surround the carriage. I peeked out and saw a dozen men outside the ring of my men.

"Let us pass. I have no desire to kill my own brothers." Eric said to the men who would have happily obeyed any order a few months ago.

"I'm sorry sir. You aren't in charge anymore. We have a new ruler and new orders. We'll have to take you to the King."

"King? What kind of king? One who murders and rapes to get his way. No, he is no king, only a tyrant. The true King rides behind me and we will pass."

"I'm sorry sir. I can't allow that." Eric turned to the men around the carriage.

"Spare their lives if you can." I winced as the first sword swung. The battle was only minutes. Eric ordered three men to stay with the wound traitors and have the city guard see to them then hold them in chains for us. I was welcomed at the palace gates by the queen's own daughter.

"Alicia." I greeted as she stepped up into my carriage and rode to the palace steps with me.

"It's so good to see you well Michael. I was so worried when Lord Tyne sent his letter to mama. He said you were dead but then sent men to wait to see if you would show up. Mama didn't want to stop them in case you never came. If Tyne one out in the end we would need their cooperation in trade. I am so relieved. The whole mess is so hard to believe. He used to be so attentive to you. It's something I don't understand, why would he do this now? He would have been king in time."

"No he wouldn't have."


"It's complicated. I hope you'll sit with me while I tell your mother. She's always been good to us, I hope to gain her assistance."

"Mama will always be on your side." I hoped she was right. Eric helped us from the carriage and left Captain Farro in charge of the men. Four men followed us into the palace the rest stayed with the carriage. Alicia led our little group to her mothers reception room. the queen was to her feet instantly.

"Michael, my dear I was so sorry to hear about your father. He was one of the best men I have ever known." She hugged me close then pulled me over to sit with her. "Tell me what happened." I told her what happened ending with the realization of my pregnancy and the explanation of how I was pregnant" She sat there for several minutes in silence.

"My dear I am so sorry. That should never have happened to you. Not to anyone." She pulled me into a hug again. she'd always been like a second mother to me and it looked like that wasn't going to change. "Say the word sweetheart, anything you need, I will help you no matter what." I chuckled.

"I am so glad to hear you say that." Part of me had worried about how things might change. I spent three days with them planning and strategizing. It was decided that I would use the house near the border to my kingdom. It would give me safe place to be. She would send men to help. it would be an on going process but I had another leg up.

Alicia decided that I needed a household and company so collected servants that could be trusted and packed a trunk and came with me to our new safe house. It was easy at first to settle in and keep our momentum going but it got harder as I began to show. It was harder to be able to have the energy to keep up with the war. luckily Alicia and Eric kept me in the loop but I had fallen to letting Eric do what he thought was best. I had told Alicia he and I would be married eventually so she'd taken to him as if he were her brother.

I was six months almost seven months into my pregnancy and the baby had decided they never wanted to sleep which meant I didn't get any either. While Eric saw to the war I saw to relations with our other allies the council that ruled Jukson, and the kind of Snowren, via Prince Caris, Alicia's brother. Alicia had become my captor not letting me do more than she thought I could. I was currently being verbally chained to a small parlor in the house where I kept pacing wishing for something to do. Alicia had told me an hour ago just after lunch that I was to rest until dinner. Resting wasn't doing me a lot of good. I tried not to glare when my captor came in.

"You are supposed to be sitting and resting. not pacing the floors."

"Tell that to the little devil I carry. He's currently doing a dance on my stomach." She laughed and helped me sit and put my feet up.

"As I recall mama said that you were the same to your mother. So your child is most definitely taking after you." I groaned and leaned back in the chair. "Why don't I sing them to sleep." She started a slow lullaby and I nearly heaved a sigh when the little feet stopped kicking my insides.

"Thank the lord. He's a good little thing for you, why not for me?"

"Because your his papa and he'll need to make sure you are always on your toes. Now would you like to eat something while he's quiet?"


"Good I thought you might be hungry." I turned when the door opened and saw a maid carry in a tray. It was set next to me on the little table. I ate the shaved beef, turkey, stuffing, and all the veggies on the plate. I left the bread and pudding alone. They'd been upsetting my stomach. The healer that had come with us from the palace said that wasn't unusual for things to do that while pregnant. She had kept herself busy by treating the health problems of the near by village and only poking and prodding me once a week.

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