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"So where is Eric?" I asked her.

"He is currently writing letters to Neil and the second company. He said he'd see you at dinner." I felt the pain shift through my lower back again.

"Apparently all he needed was a good meal and nap. At least he's attacking my back and not my stomach this time." I shifted position hoping to move him enough to get him to change targets.

"Here let me rub your back." I leaned forward and let her rub my back.

"That feels good."

"See I have magic fingers as well as a perfect lullaby voice." I snorted and chuckled.

"You are enjoying this a little too much I think."

"You'll be the first of us to have a child, I can't wait."

"First of who?"

"Us? You, me, Caris, Lillian, Barty, and Frannie." The other three were king of Snowren's children. We'd all been close growing up only drifting apart when we had to start our schooling to be good little kings or queens.

"I'm sure that Lilly and Frannie are excited about this as well. Barty is probably planning on every insult he can come up with regarding my child's parentage, or lack their of."

"Let him try we'll make mince meat of him." The pain stabbed through my back making me wince and shift abruptly.

"This is why I walk." I struggled to get up but managed it with her help. I began to make a slow circuit around the room. When I came back to the fire Alicia was staring at me intently. "What?"

"How long have you gotten pain like this?"

"Off and on since last night. It seems to be his favorite." She jumped up alarm on her face.

"Last night? Good grief you loony. Sit down." She rang for a maid and forced me to sit.

"I don't want to sit. It doesn't help." But she wouldn't let me back up. She told the maid to send for the healer quickly. I knew what she was thinking. "I'm not in labor. I am two months to early for that."

"I would feel better having Ellen tell me that. It won't hurt you any to let her check." Alicia made me stay still until Ellen got there. After telling the healer what she thought Ellen turned to me.

"Since last night?"


"Well it's not unheard of for early pregnancies, so lets get you to your room and laid down. Then I'll see what we have." I rolled my eyes but did what I was told. I was helped to lay down and my breeches were removed. It hadn't been easy to admit it when I needed larger ones. She parted my legs and checked me. I had gotten past the embarrassment weeks ago. "Well Alicia, you were right."

"What!" I said. I looked between them.

"You are very early in your labor but you are dilated and will no doubt get in active labor sometime tonight. First babies are always slow."

"But it's too early!" I said immediately worried about my baby. I saw them share a look and new that I hadn't been told something. "What? What haven't you told me."

"Well Alicia and I have been talking about the chances that you could be caring multiples."


"Yes, given how large you are at only seven months we had wondered. It also would indicate why you are in labor this early." I hadn't thought of that. Sure it wasn't impossible but I was prepared for one, not more than that. I wanted Eric. I started to get up but they were both there telling me to lay back down.

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