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Third person pov:

Aarohi was going home after attending her classes she has to complete her designs in a few days and submit them.

She was walking towards the gate when someone held her elbow and turned her around.

She was walking towards the gate when someone held her elbow and turned her around

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"How do you know Raj?" was the first thing I heard.

I was surprised would be an understatement. My best friend or should I say ex-best friend who I haven't talked to since I came back is standing in front of me looking like I killed her dog!

"No hi? No hello?" I asked.

"Oh please, cut this bullshit! How do you know Raj?" she asked getting frustrated.

"And I should tell you that because?" Does she thinks she can come and get angry all of a sudden and I'll answer her nicely?

"You won't change will you?" by now she was fuming in anger I can see that

"Wtf are you talking about?" even I am pissed now.

"Bitch please, you are gonna act all innocent now?" She said with attitude.

"Seriously what is your problem? You don't answer my text and calls, you show up all of a sudden and get all angry at me?" I shouted.

"Why? You don't know what you did? Or what you have been doing all these years?" She retorted sassily.

"Look I seriously don't have time for all this nonsense I am hungry! If you are not gonna say it properly I'll leave" I said and turned around to leave.

I want to go home eat and sleep!

"You are gonna play the victim now?!" I heard her saying but I never stopped. You wanna talk in puzzle keep talking to yourself I don't have time.

But I was again turned around by the one and only Riya!

"You can't walk away when I am talking to you!" She shouted.

"Then speak clearly" I said folding my hands near my chest.

"Why do you always have to steal my crush?" Riya questioned.

"When did I steal your crush?" what is she talking about? If Raj is her crush when did I steal him?

Riya just chuckled and said "When? Ask yourself when did you not? You have been doing this since childhood"

"Riya I have always tried to set you up with every guy you ever liked"

"Tried to set me up or you tried to set yourself?" Riya argued.

Tried to set myself?

Ever since we were kids I have always tried to get her whatever she wanted boys were one of them.

In High school, I always tried to help her with her crush. Some of them genuinely weren't interested, some of them already had someone they liked, and not everyone is trying to get in a relationship in high school.

Every time she showed someone she liked I never saw them more than a friend because my best friend had a crush on them. only two of the boys she liked proposed to me but I rejected them.

Did she ever asked me if I like someone or not? No! It was about her every time! I also liked a few guys but the minute she said they are her crush I stopped. It felt like I am betraying my friend.

She basically liked half of the school and when they weren't interested she moved to someone else.

I never took it to heart because it's just boys! They are not more important to me than my best friend!

"You always tried to show me how rich you are and how everyone loves you! You are a pick me you know that" Riya said breaking my chain of thoughts.

Riya came from a middle-class family. They weren't rich before. her parents were always working they never paid attention to her.

That's why every time I thought about her before me. If I get something I'll buy it for her too so she doesn't feel left out!

Her parents never took time for her so I bought her with me everywhere every time! Even to the family trips which were supposed to be only family because I considered her as my family! My family did too! They treated her like their own.

But I guess I was wrong

"I never-" Before I can speak she cut me off.

"Don't deny it! We both know how you always showed off your money! and how your family treats you like you are some sort of precious princess! because you know my family never treated me like that!" Riya said

True! Her parents were never home but they were doing it for their future only. She and her brother also doesn't share a good relationship like I do with my brother.

"You always got everything on a silver platter, Just because your family is Rich!" She said.

"Is this how you felt? All this year with me?" All this year did she really thought that I am bragging about my parent's money?

"Yes I did what else do you expect?" she retorted angrily.
I was going to speak but she again spoke "I tried to think you'll change but you didn't? You came back to my college whyyy? To brag about your princess life again?"

"So this is the reason you have been avoiding me?" I said meekly.

"Don't start to cry now! I am warning you this last time stay away from Raj or this time I won't spare you!" she said and left leaving me there alone.

What about our friendship all this year? She was thinking about me like this when we were still best friends. Or at least that's what I thought she was.

Is it my fault my family is Rich? I know I got everything thing on a silver platter without even asking for it but Is it my fault?

I never bragged about being rich!
I have always kept friendship first. All this year when I was trying to make her feel happy she was thinking about me like this?

My friendship never mattered to her. My efforts never mattered to her.

Enough is enough now! Why do I always think about others before me? if thinking about others makes you feel like this I don't wanna feel this!

She wants to break this friendship for some stupid boys? Go ahead I don't care! I'll care about people who really care about me!

I am pick me? So be it I won't change myself for anyone!

If I am selfish I'll be selfish I don't care!!


I want to tell you guys not every character is perfect and Aarohi is also not perfect.

Some of you might not relate to her but it is what it is!

So do you think Riya's outburst is justified 🤔

I have my final exam now so the next update will be after 3 March

Do vote and comment 👇🏻

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