20 | Developing Crushes

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Chapter Twenty
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┌─────── ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ ───────┐Chapter Twenty DEVELOPING CRUSHES└─────── ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ ───────┘

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Nothing was the same when we returned back to Hogwarts. We were missing a part of our group. Sebastian hardly spoke to anyone. His grades in his classes began to drop and he found himself getting more and more detention. Ominis wasn't much better. He stayed quiet, he sends most of his time in the undercroft.

I found myself staying up late at night sitting in Anne's bed staring at the door as if expecting her to walk through. I had written her so many letters since I found out but she hasn't written back yet.

The worst part was Sebastian was just beginning to come back to his normal self after everything that happened over the summer and now he's losing his sister.

After Anne told her brother and Ominis that she had been cursed the boys were shocked and worried, and they vowed to help their friend in any way they could.

Sebastian and Ominis searched for a way to break the curse and save Anne. They consulted with witches and wizards, read ancient tomes, even asked Sebastian's uncle since he was an Auror but they came up with nothing.

They had received my presents that I sent them and when we returned to Hogwarts, Sebastian was wearing his ring and Ominis was holding onto his book. I smile brightly at them, knowing that everything has changed.

The three of us spent the next couple of months moping around the halls. Ava and Poppy and even Garreth tried to cheer us up and sometimes it did work but only for a few hours. Ava took Ominis on a date one night and he came back to the common room slightly happier.

Now I sit in the library studying for a exam in charms. I haven't seen Sebastian or Ominis all day and it is almost time for the library to close. I didn't pay attention to anyone, I refused to let my mind wander because if it did then I know it would only conjure up bad things that make me worried even more about Anne. To take my mind off of everything, I take out my charms, potions, history of magic, and care for magical creatures books and get to work on my assignments.

Time seemed to drag on as I read through the pages of the books and writing down all the notes for the upcoming exams. Eventually I finished my potions, charms, and care for magical creatures assignments and am working on my history of magic. I could feel myself falling asleep as I propped my head on my hand trying my best to read the pages. The quill in my hand, already dipped in ink but I don't have the energy to write anymore. Instead, I watch as a drip of the ink falls down and splashes upon the parchment.

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