5 | Chapter

49 8 7

I thought I told him to leave me alone!

It's been exactly a week since Tobias met the so-called inhuman Felix, and the guy has been pursuing him non-stop since then. Always appearing randomly around corners, sometimes directly in front of him like the time Felix cornered him in the bathroom. The only peace of mind Tobias had was that the guy never followed him when he inevitably ran to avoid the impending confrontation.

He just don't know when to quit! I said I didn't want anything to do with him, why can't he take a goddamn hint when it's so glaringly obvious that I don't want to hear whatever shit he has to say?! This is getting annoying, and frankly disturbing... I just want to be left alone, is that so wrong?

Sure, Tobias was mildly curious as to the guy's species, but he doesn't understand why he wants to talk to him so badly. Shouldn't Felix be avoiding him because he figured out his identity? Or perhaps the reason Felix wants to speak with him so desperately is to make sure he keeps his mouth shut?

If that's the case, then he's wasting his time. It's not like I have anyone to tell it too. Maybe if I found out before... when I still had someone...

Fuck, not again. He squeezed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose to will away the slight prickling sensation behind his eyes. He was not even truly upset by his thoughts, much less to cry over it.

The return of his emotions was more trouble than it was worth, seeing as that more than a couple of them always plagued his mind. Leaving Tobias immensely frustrated and short-tempered, prone to an eventual future outburst. He should've known that bottling up everything wasn't going to do him any good in the long run, but it was either that or killing himself to escape the pain. And the coin wouldn't let him carry on with the latter.

Tobias flipped the coin as he hesitantly walked out of a classroom, glancing both ways to ensure that his stalker wasn't at work. A few people stared at him weirdly when he whipped his head from side to side. Their opinion of him didn't bother him in the slightest. Not when he was much more concerned about a freakish stranger. He could only be thankful that they shared zero classes.

Unless this guy wants to lure me out and kill me, he has no business dogging my every move.


No to what, genius? No to the part where Felix possibly wants to kill me? Or to the part where he has no business outside of killing me to keep his secret?

The coin didn't answer. Tobias rolled his eyes in exasperation, not caring enough to rephrase his questions.

He didn't see hide nor tail of Felix the entire day, which was both reliving and suspicious. Felix could've either decided to skip school today, or he finally gave up after a whole week of pointless stalking only to be left in the dust. Until either option was proven, Tobias was reluctant to put his guard down.

Better safe than sorry, he reasoned.

Right then, though, Tobias was too angsty to return to class. In truth, he had only excused himself out of the second to last period of the day to escape the claustrophobia he began to feel. In the past, he was able to tolerate the breathlessness that came with the heavy presence of multiple people in an enclosed room. His tolerance only lasted till his indifferent mask broke to reveal the shattered remains inside.

Now, being in such close quarters to literal strangers for hours on end was enough to make Tobias silently hyperventilate in the corner. Pretending to be sleep helped to hide his uncoordinated breathing.

Skip the rest of school?


The thought was received with a relieved exhale. Tobias stared at the coin for a moment out of habit, suppressing the memories that came with it. Instead, he took a rather roundabout way to exit school property in order to not get caught. He never did come across anyone, which should have been a big enough sign for Tobias to sense that something didn't feel quite right.

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