19 | Chapter

22 5 10

Don't fucking put me on the spot like that Felix! Tobias felt as if he wanted to scream his frustrations out, but also wasn't particularly keen on letting anyone see him fall apart like that. Not only would it be entirely out of character for him, it would alarm the others to his dilemma. The last thing that he wanted was more attention on him.

"Where'd you get that coin from anyways? Felix tells us that it's magical," said the black haired girl, Rowena. Her eyes fixated on the flipping coin with an unsettling fascination. She walked closer to him than what was comfortable.

Tobias paused his habitual flipping, glancing at the girl from his peripherals. Unnerved by the sudden interest in his treasured possession, he avoided answering her and hid the coin in his pocket. His action did not go unnoticed.

Despite him wanting anything but to be around anyone other than Felix, it ended up being exactly what he agreed to. After Felix confronted him about his home situation, he'd been rather reserved and quiet, regardless of his friends' unexpected appearance. Tobias felt the need to change that. In the hopes that having his friends around longer would do the trick, he agreed to let them tag along on their tour. Even though the coin validated it, he was starting to regret it.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to, Tobias," a voice spoke up, the first time that he did since arriving. It was the black haired boy with Beth as his partner, whose name escaped Tobias entirely. He only nodded in acknowledgement of the words, as he had planned to ignore the question anyhow. It was second nature to him at that point in his life.

Rowena rolled her eyes, roughly elbowing the boy's side. So much so that he doubled over in pain. It took Tobias some time to realize that he was merely mocking her, the nudge having been completely harmless. His counterpart giggling at their antics. All three of them ignored the hyper boy skipping ahead.

A brush against his shoulder had Tobias swiveling his head to find the culprit, startled at the sudden contact.

"Sorry," Felix muttered, his black eyes quickly darting to his own before promptly averting them. He continued to walk with a bowed head and stiff posture.

The six of them were headed towards the direction of the pack, as Felix declared that the patrol was already completed. His friends had immediately taken the forefront, leaving them both to bring up the rear. Tobias preferred that arrangement. It kept most of the eyes off of him, and he could silently enjoy the serenity that being in the heart of the woods offered.

It would be more calming if these party-crashers hadn't shown up, Chase agreed. If it was me, I'd have run off with Felix and lost them going downwind. He viewed the vast greenery and vegetation through the same set of eyes. Soft waves of content flowed from him to Tobias, relaxing him even further.

Good thing you're not me then. The wolf huffed indignantly.

"Don't apologize." Tobias stared at him openly, simultaneously still taking in the sights. "Why do I feel so relaxed here?" he asked without a second thought.

"It's probably due to being hemmed in by trees from all sides. Nature tends to do that to us werewolves," Felix said, glancing at him with a warm smile. Former tension forgotten for the moment. Unconsciously, Tobias found himself mimicking him. He surprisingly enjoyed the delight that sparked in Felix's eyes, and the way the sides of his chiseled face pinkened.


The pack was more lively this time around. Dozens upon dozens of wolves were frolicking among grassy plains between houses in the warm rays of the morning sun. Pups fought each other with playful nips, and vigorous tumbles. Fully grown wolves simply lounged on the ground, sunbathing and keeping an alert eye out on their young. There was the occasional human mixed in, yet the large predators dominated the territory. Overall, the pack members were taking full advantage of the warm weather while it lasted.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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