14 | Chapter

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Tobias would be 'shifting' for the first time in four days. Until then, he was considered a mere child. Pup, if you will.
Are you excited? Chase asked, body wriggling with energy. Cause I'm excited!
I guess. I don't really know how I feel about this, Tobias said. He flipped the coin subconsciously, unseeing eyes staring at his fidgeting hand.
Think of it this way. Things are finally looking up for you, Tobias. You've been so lonely these past few years, ever since... Chase sighed. I know you feel responsible for what happened, but you aren't. You need to move on from that, and start to actually live your life. K-
Please just... don't say his name. Tobias scrunched his eyes shut at that, trying so hard not to remember.
Chase whined, nudging against his conscience. I may not have known him, but I know for a fact that he wouldn't want this for you. All he wanted was for you to be happy, even when he's not around. I know it's not easy, but can you just try? If you won't do it for yourself, for him, at least?
Okay. I can't promise anything but... I'll give it a whirl.
"Hey, uh..." Felix began but trailed off with an uncertain expression on his face, eyes directed to the ground.
Landon had given him a thorough examination, by way of checking how far along Tobias' newly heightened senses have progressed. Presently, he'd only developed enhanced hearing and healing. He was warned regarding the other remaining ones. Especially super strength, as he could potentially damage property or harm someone without intending to. Tobias was not looking forward to walking on eggshells for the rest of his life.
After the checkup, they were politely kicked out by a doctor who looked about ready to conk out once again. Somehow, someway, the two ended up in front of the breathtaking fountain. Getting pleasantly cool by the constant stream of water nearby. It was a peaceful ambience.
"Would you… care for a tour around the pack?" Felix eventually got the words out, and smiled nervously at the end. "I, er... can also answer all your questions on the way? I'm sure you still have plenty."
Tobias shrugged, but said, "okay." He had a feeling that if Felix was in his wolf form, his tail would be wagging double time. He could just imagine the large black animal, panting with his long tongue hanging out and plumy tail moving so fast it was a blur of movement. The mental image was not unlike an overgrown friendly dog, which seemed to suit the odd werewolf. Tobias had always been more of a dog person than a cat person.
Aww... does Tobias have a crush on the adorable hunky werewolf? Chase teased him.
I think that this person looks like a dog, and that somehow relates to being infatuated with him?
Well, not when you put it like that... he huffed haughtily. I think that you just have a weird way of showing interest in other people.
Uh huh...
Felix wasted no time at all and grasped Tobias' hand, as if to drag him along. But then froze, turning back to him with a panicked expression. "Sorry! I shouldn't have just grabbed your hand like that! Is this okay? Are yo-"
Having had enough of constantly hearing his apologies, Tobias threaded his fingers through the talkative guy's tightly to shut him up, and to get a move on. "Stop apologising," Tobias said, lightly pulling the werewolf along with him as he started to walk. Dumbfounded, Felix mutely let himself be led by hand, just as he had intended to do earlier before entering a mini panic attack over it.

He had to admit, the bold move caught him completely off guard. Tobias spent the last six years being constantly abused by his own father, and grew to despise human contact. Even an accidental brush against someone else had him tensing instinctively, expecting for a hand to strike him. It was nerve-wracking to be one of the crowd, when the crowd was exactly what you wanted to avoid.
But, for a reason beyond him… Tobias didn't detest Felix's touch. The warmth radiating from the werewolf served to relax his tense muscles. It wasn't too far of a stretch to say that he even… welcomed it.
Why is he different?
Maybe it's about time that you apologise to him? Chase suggested lightly, cutting through his thoughts. Felix has been trying so hard to make sure that we're comfortable, and all he got in return was your impatience for being considerate. I think an apology is in order.
"I'm sorry, for being short with you," said Tobias after some hesitation, soon realising that he was being difficult. It was something that he couldn't help, he was never very good with words. However, he can attempt to make up for it, with his actions this time around.
Squeezing their clasped hands, Felix sped up a bit so that he was the one leading. "You have nothing to apologise for, Tobias. I understand, this is a stressful experience for you. It's no surprise that tension runs high. Hopefully, after spending some time with the pack, you'll be more at ease."
Optimistic too…. I like him, Chase declared.
Glad to see that I have your approval, replied Tobias sarcastically. An dignant huff was the wolf's reply to it. Tobias said nothing outwardly, only opting for a subtle nod. He kept a close eye on Felix through his peripherals, eyeing the constant smile on his face.
"You mentioned something about being a warrior?" he recalled, wanting to make good on the opportunity that was presented to him. "How does that work exactly?"
While escorting him around the corner of the mansion and exposing dozens of smaller houses in the substantial clearing, Felix was more than delighted to answer. "I should probably start at the beginning if you want to know about pack dynamics. Just think of the pack as a… an organisation! Yeah, similar to a human business."
"At the top, we have our alpha. They're the boss of this entire operation. He, or she, oversees every aspect of the pack. Finances, security, health, even education at times. We look to them for guidance and safety. After the alpha, there's the beta. Sort of like a secretary? I'm not so sure about that… but they're there to assist the alpha with their duties, and take charge when the alpha is absent. Then comes the head warrior aka the head of security. They train the warriors to be able to protect the pack members, and anyone else who wants to learn how to hold their own in a fight. There's also the warriors, the pack doctor, and regular pack members."
I wonder which one we are... Chase mumbled.
We're not exactly 'part' of the pack, Chase.
Tobias absorbed all the new information like a sponge, curiosity at the societal norms of werewolves brewing in him. "But why does a… a pack, need warriors? Who would you have to fight against?" he asked, failing to see the point in it.
"Hunters," Felix said instantaneously. "Humans whose sole purpose in life is to eradicate the world of werewolves. We hide our presence from humans because of these kinds of people, who wish to harm us simply for existing." His voice tightened at the last word, anger spilling off of him in crashing waves. Felix paused his rant to take a deep breath through his mouth, and exhaled it sharply. "And then there's also rogues that we have to deal with, who show up more frequently than hunters. The wolf that attacked you yesterday, was one."
"A rogue?" Tobias questioned. The werewolf's silent fury at the people that hunted down his kind was painfully obvious through his behavior. He truly had the heart of a protector. A warrior.
Tobias could never fully understand that instinctive urge to… protect someone. He had only ever been the 'protected', and in later years, even that meager title was stripped from him so cruelly. For once, he wondered what it felt like to want to shield someone from pain, either physical or mental.
"A rogue is a werewolf without a pack. They were kicked out of their former packs for committing something unforgivable. As part wolf, we need the sense of community that a pack provides. Without a pack, some rogues are slowly driven mad, their wolves taking complete control of their body. They have no conscience, and kill everything that moves. Although there is the off chance that a rogue wolf does not go crazy, most wolves do."
"Am I a rogue? Since I don't have a pack?" Tobias asked, staring out into the forest. Half expecting another rogue to clamber through the underbrush.
Felix laughed lightly. "Of course not. You're not a rogue, Tobias. You're a lone wolf, and that's only until you join a pack. If you want to, that is."

"I'm already going to be spending the majority of my time here, it'd make no difference whether I join one or not," he muttered under his breath, but said out loud, "why would I need to join one? Because of my wolf?"

"Mostly, but humans are a social species too, aren't they?"

Tobias stared at him. "There's exceptions to every rule of thumb."

"True," Felix agreed without an argument. "There's a lot of werewolves who prefer their own company over others. Pack life can get pretty overwhelming for those who aren't used to it. But I grew up in this community, and can't bear to part with it."
As he listened attentively to every word spoken, Tobias suddenly realized something somewhat out of context. Startling the unsuspecting person. "You're not stuttering anymore."
His comment made the talkative werewolf blush, a light layer of pink dusting just underneath his high cheekbones. Felix averted his gaze to the ground, where he pawed at the grass with his feet shyly.
He looks so cute when he blushes, Chase observed, his voice slightly increasing in pitch.
I think you're missing the point here, Chase.
I don't care! I just want to savor that look on his face!


Is anyone else loving Felix's personality? Cause I am! His reactions are just so adorable!

Who's your favorite character so far?



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