6 | Chapter

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A tired groan escaped Tobias as he groggily started to wake up, his sore body being the first thing that he noticed. Every part of his being ached with such a ferocity that he was surprised that he got any sleep at all last night. Despite the growing headache he was beginning to feel, Tobias tried to recall what happened.

Felix... running... wolves...

His thought process instantly halted there, and rewinded.

Abnormally huge wolves...

The memories in his head were so absurd that Tobias snapped his eyes open to see if he was still in the forest. Since that was the last scene stored in his memory banks before his blackout. His racing heart gradually slowed down when a blurry vision assured him that he was safely indoors. Except... the apartment ceiling wasn't built of wooden planks. Nor did his room have a pristine white ceiling fan, or a fan at all for that matter.

Where am I? What the hell happened to me?


He jerked his head to the left so fast that his neck audibly cracked at the sudden movement. The man who'd just spoken stood a respectable distance away from the bed Tobias found himself on. His eyes darted swiftly over the man's appearance, noting the familiar white coat he wore, and the unnervingly casual clothing underneath it. Blue eyes set in a friendly face met his own, but oddly, it was the cautious smile that served to slightly lessen the tension in Tobias' muscles. Relaxing a bit into the soft mattress below him did wonders to alleviate some of the soreness.

"Where am I?" Tobias demanded, choosing to ignore the fact that this stranger knew his name for the moment. He attempted to sit up on the bed that definitely wasn't his by the sheer softness of it. A futile effort, seeing as that Tobias' arms felt as limp as soggy noodles.

Hands touched his shoulders, instantly causing him to flinch at the contact and lean away from the invading stranger. Either the man was blind or immune to the piercing glare Tobias sent his way, because he didn't stop. The hands only fell away when he'd been comfortably propped up against the wall at the head of the bed.

Instead of answering his question, the man made a worried expression and said, "you really shouldn't be moving around, you know. Your body is still weak, and needs time to recover. As your doctor, I order you to rest and to take it easy for a while to recuperate."

Tobias stared at him evenly, face void of any emotion. "Am not in a hospital, am I?" he spoke with absolute certainty, hands folded on his lap in a false calm manner.

His words made the man's lips twitch into a wider one than before, taking a step back again. "No, you're not," he confirmed. "You are in my clinic though, but technically it's the hospital ward. And I'm the resident witch doctor, Landon."

"Why aren't I in a hospital?" Tobias questioned suspiciously, eyes narrowing. "What happened to me for me to end up here of all places? Wherever the hell I am." The doctor, Landon, to his credit, didn't look in the least bit nervous by his line of questioning. Only, he appeared to be concerned with Tobias, even going as far as to place a hand on his forehead to check his temperature. He let him do it, though he made his displeasure quite obvious.

"Don't you remember anything? Can you tell me everything that you remember?"

Tobias nodded sharply. "I was... attacked by a wolf. I lost consciousness when another wolf attacked the first one, just when it was about to kill me."

Landon grimaced at his description, running a hand through his blonde hair. "That sounds about right. Thankfully, you don't seem to have a concussion after that ordeal." The man shifted from one foot to the other, suddenly uncomfortable. His patient didn't fail to take note of that.

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