C-5:Silence encased anger

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Hate, a word that carries immense weight. Consider the heartbroken lover who bared their soul to their first love, only to face rejection. Reflect on the individual who watched their dreams slip away while their friend soared to success. Contemplate the person who lost everything they once held dear.

 These people experience a raw, visceral hatred that courses through their veins. But what of me? Having lost everything, do I feel hate? No, for I lack dreams and the capacity to love, rendering these emotions inapplicable to my existence. Yet, I yearn to comprehend this potent feeling. Does hate fuel one's drive or lead to their ultimate demise? Perhaps initial successes serve as a deceptive elixir, enticing one to imbibe this venom until it consumes them, leaving their spirit in tatters.

I saw that hate, in the firey blonde hair boy's eyes called Kacchan and consecutively the fear in Deku's eyes. Such a strange name or perhaps nickname they both had He called him Kacchan, which I assumed was short for Kablooey. Given the degree of emotions displayed, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to think they are at knots with each other from the past. His shivering was similar to a leaf which was also strange.

His display of strength was insurmountable as he crushed the zero-pointer. Such a boy, having immense power is also affected by extreme fear. How could someone so powerful be so afraid? It was a mystery that intrigued me. Was Kacchan stronger than him, or just louder? His voice was like a drill, piercing my ears with every word. His voice was like a megaphone, making me wish I had earplugs.

"Hey, you in the back, wake up!" Aizawa-sensei's voice snapped at me as he hurled a chalk at me. reflexively turned my head just enough to let it rocket past me. He sighed with his eyes sunken into mine as I apologised, "Sorry sensei." 

He gave me a look that could kill as I muttered, "Sorry sensei." He rolled his eyes and said, "Don't be sorry, be more attentive next time. And stop daydreaming about your crush." The whole class burst into laughter as I kept staring at him feeling a sense of irritation. Thanks a lot, sensei for making me feel something.

"Hmm, since it's the first day, I will let this go. Listen up, head to the grounds immediately." He groaned and stretched his back as he casually started walking away but the engine boy seemed to have certain questions as he shot up from his seat and with a strict tone asked, "Sensei, have you perhaps forgotten the entrance ceremony?"

"What if I did? It's pointless and a waste of time. Now hurry up and wear your costumes."


His voice faded into a low murmur as he dragged his feet out of the room, covering his mouth with his hand to suppress another yawn. He had already yawned three times in the last five minutes. I glanced around as the rest of the class rose from their seats and made their way to the changing room. Deku and Ochaco were leading the pack, chatting happily, while Momo was pulled along by the pink-coloured girl who was bubbling with excitement. I lingered behind, letting everyone pass me by, as I peered outside the window. There I saw Sensei sitting on the grassy field, resting his eyes and waiting for us. I changed my direction and headed towards him instead.

I felt a gentle breeze on my face as I reached the empty field where he was sitting. "The weather is quite nice." I remarked casually, trying to break the silence. He spun around with a surprised expression, his eyebrows shooting up. He rose to his feet and fixed me with a stern gaze, his eyes piercing mine.

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