C18: Afterthought

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What is the essence of communication?

Is it the words we use, or the meaning behind them?

How do we convey our thoughts and feelings to others, and how do they receive them?

Words are not mere sounds or symbols, they are weapons of influence. They can cut deeper than swords, or heal wounds that no medicine can. But words alone are not enough, they need context to sharpen or soften their edge.

Context is the background, the situation, the intention, and the emotion that give words their power. Without context, words are dull and meaningless. With context, words can change the world. I have witnessed this myself, how the words I spoke with the context of past and present events had a profound impact on those who heard them.

The metallic tringing of the bell had shook many out of their stupor.

Contemplation, instead of sudden frustration or anger was visible. If I had to guess, they had matured a bit after the USJ incident. Thinking about using the right words while carefully considering various aspects of what a person has said is essential for a hero.

While watching people grow in front of me was definitely a hobby of mine, I had to silence my growling stomach. I  wonder if any sweet dish is being served on the menu today?

I packed my bag as I quickly rushed out hearing some calls of my name in the distance.

The silent voices in the class screamed louder than most would reckon. The voices of my classmates were full of mixed emotions. From the silent agreement to the contempt for my thoughts, many had different thoughts. I didn't care. I had no business with anyone other than the person in question, Aizawa Sensei.

His grin wasn't a happy one, but rather one of a challenge. He knew that I hadn't thrown this extreme ideology in front of the class just to get a reaction out of him. I knew that whatever I had said was quite selfish and extremist. I had articulated the worst nightmare of every hero out there.

"W-Why? Is it not possible?" A question broke out of the rosy pink lips of Ashido.

"It's his darkness, let's not revel in this phantom grasp of his devils."

Tokoyami murmured as his sentient quirk nodded along with him.
The cafeteria is as crowded as usual with students from different courses all around.

I went up to the serving area to meet the ever lively, Lunchrush. A hero in a way to many. A constant source of energy for students with high metabolism quirks. His words were often muffled behind the tubed mask attached to his face making it a bit hard to decipher him for many students.
Given I was without my classmates for a while I decided to know more about this hero.

"A bit of rice with a side of miso soup and ice cream."

"Oh Aoo...Ayanokouji! Boo...Bon apetit!"

He had done another feat of remembering everyone's names and dishes.

"I had to ask something Lunchrush, if you don't mind"

I had chosen a time when he had served most students already except the hero class who was yet to come.

"Soo...Sure kiddo!"

"What's your quirk exactly sir?"

"A sudden interest?"

"Something like that"

"Aoo...ahh...hm...It's Ambrosia's Touch! It goo...grants  me the ability to satisfy anyone's soul with my food!" 

"Quite abstract for something as scientific as cooking."

"While true, soo...satisfying the soul is the true magical element I can add to food."
I felt a sombre tone in his voice. Now that I  think of it, during the foundation course in the history class taught by Nemuri, she had mentioned how Lunch Rush was the head chef during one of the great disasters. He had kept the heroes fighting until the bitter end.

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