C-6:Mastermind's Symphony

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"Good morning Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Please do have a seat! Quite a lovely morning for some tea?" A hybrid mouse-like creature greeted me with a mellow voice as I came inside with cautioned steps. I had no interest in setting off any suspicious alarms.

"Good Morning Principal. It's an honor to meet you." I nodded graciously as he tapped at his tea cup and smiled barring his fangs at me. A general person would have shivered so I tried to shake my body a bit.

He let out a small giggle at my attempt as he said, "Ahh, green tea. This one is known for its health benefits, and for a good reason! It's packed with antioxidants, which can help boost your immune system and fight off disease. Plus, it has a light, refreshing flavour that's perfect for a mid-morning break. Perhaps I should brew you one?"

I looked at him jumping off his chair and heading to the tea aisle, "I apologise but I had no form of caffeine earlier in my life, so I am quite a novice. Though I wouldn't mind trying it."

"That's quite alarming to hear, you have been missing out on a lot! Here at UA as your Principal, I shall give you advice, drinking tea is a must. It's an essentiality! Here have my concoction with my speciality blend!" He gave another one of his fanged smiles as he kept the teacup on the table and sat down with his own blend.

I was struck by the light, delicate aroma of the leaves. The hot water infused the room with a fresh and fragrant scent that was invigorating and calming at the same time. When it was ready, I poured the tea into my cup and took a sip. The flavour was light and subtle, with a gentle grassy taste that was unlike anything had tried before. The taste was simple, yet complex with a hint of sweetness. All I knew up till this points were capsules marked by the day and fruits of a bland texture.But what really caught my attention was how I felt after drinking it. I felt more alert and focused, which I have learnt the reason for.

"Hoh, that's quite a strange way of holding a cup you will burn your fingers and seeing you drink the tea without even blowing on it bit does indeed point out to your novice nature towards it. What an interesting human you already turned out to be Ayanokouji!"

As I sipped, this time copying his style, I noticed that the tea had a smooth and silky texture, almost like a comforting hug in a mug. It was warm and soothing, and I felt like I was being enveloped in a warm blanket of calmness and relaxation. I felt myself getting used to this feeling as the same burning sensation on my taste buds disappeared after blowing on it.

I was curious now about his type as well as I tried to peer over,"Sir, may I know what tea you are having?"

"Excellent question! It's one of my treasured blends. White tea is a rare and precious type of tea that is harvested from the youngest leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. The leaves are carefully plucked by hand and then sun-dried, which gives them a delicate and subtle flavour.

What sets white tea apart from other teas is its high levels of antioxidants. These antioxidants help to protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals, which can lead to ageing and disease. In fact, some studies suggest that white tea may have even more antioxidants than green tea!

But that's not all. White tea also contains a unique amino acid called theanine, which has been shown to reduce stress and promote relaxation. This makes it the perfect choice for those times when you need to unwind after a long day of studying or training....."

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