C20: Explosive Victory

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Often times I have the thought: Did the desire to succeed, to overcome, to come out on top in the face of challenges, come naturally to me, or was it just a reaction to my survival instincts? Would I prioritize survival over winning? Would my idea of success be different if survival was the ultimate reward for losing? Or would I win even in that scenario? Or would my defination of success change at that point? As I contemplate these questions, I am reminded of the intricate nature of human drive. While I explore these musings, I strive to unravel the mystery of the human experience, seeking comprehension through the search for solutions.

I understood one thing: the survival of my essence hinged upon fulfilling the mission for which I had been thrust into this world. The notion of infusing a competitive spirit into the pliable framework of my character crossed my mind. It would be a nice touch I suppose but that would be a consideration for another time.

For now adrenaline was rushing to my feet. Countless cheers could be heard from all directions of the far reaching stadium. Being the center of something was what I disliked however my situation was an ironical one from the start, so there was no helping it. Around me everyone was overflowing with emotions. Some of excitement, while others of anxiety. I am sure everyone had a gameplan. 

As the announcement from Midnight-sensei reverberated throughout the stadium I analyzed the data. The preliminaries of the would be a test of both physical and mental strength. The 4-kilometer course around the promised to be a grueling challenge for all participants.

As the race commenced, a surge of energy compelled my surrounding contendors towards the door. However, their collective movement was hindered by the first obstacle—a narrow corridor leading to the exit. The confined space quickly filled with determined participants, creating a chaotic bottleneck that impeded their progress.

Analyzing the situation, I acknowledged the inefficiency of the crowded corridor, hence I found it fruitless to even move from the starting line. The struggle to navigate through the confined space added an unexpected layer of complexity to the race, setting the tone for the challenges that lay ahead.

"OOOOhhhhh....what's this????Why isn't the participant moving from his place? Does he like....get that the race has begun???? WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGG BOIIIIIIII????"

Mic-sensei's voice was shrill as it emenated from the microphone. Everyone's eyes were on me for that moment. However what was my reaction? The simple thing was to wait. All I had to do was wait for the quirks to be activated. For one, it's obvious either Bakugou or Todoroki will activate their quirks to escape the bottleneck.Whichever one of them does start using their quirk, I will simply leach off them. 

Both of their quirks were quite useful in this situation. They could take a defensive or an offensive approach.  However given the intel I had on their personalities, they were the definite ones to use their quirks the earliest in this situation. While I had doubts about the other participants activating their quirks just yet, these two I was entirely certain. Their competitive spirit was unrivalled. 

"Hah!!! This reminds me of my daily train travel. All those sweaty armpits and all that  overcrowding!!! JUST LOVE IT!!!"

It seems someone was enjoying this at least. 

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