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Jash was going to his institute with Darell. Suddenly, his phone started ringing. He panicked. "Hey, Darell! Why did you put up a password on my phone? I am not able to open it! You idiot!"

"But yesterday, you only told me to put a fingerprint for you—"

"Oh. Thanks. Bye."


Jash ran away to a silent place. In that dome-shaped thing which is present in children's parks. He was in a hurry so he could accommodate any place that was compatible with his work. And of course, where no one could see him. He tried to accept the call. But declined it accidentally.

He again panicked. But fortunately, the call came again.

"Hello, Jash speaking."

"It's me, Carlson. And how dare you cut my call? Do not give me this kind of greeting when I call. Understand?"

"It was just some accident!"

"And now I suppose it's a surprise for you?"

"Oh please. I was just waiting for your call to come."

"Better. Much better."

Jash was always a lover of going on missions from the start when he joined the F.S.A. He liked to get new experiences. But...

"Uh... So?" asked Jash.

"So, you have to go on a new mission. But this time, it's a big and serious one. You can deny if you want."

"Um... no. I would like to participate in this mission. Is it about—"

"As you might have seen in the news, a terrorist organization had attacked the CIG.

Their leader or who might be, is also the assassin of Daniel Stapleton and Goder Frank, the CEOs of the company. Mr Mysterious is also being witnessed vanishing within a blink of an eye out of thin air during the assassination..."

"What is the power of the case?"

"Mysterious Case: Power 10."

"Oh shit. It's a long time... Ah... A Power of 10, you say? I understand. But why's this case mysterious?"

"Because we do NOT know its intentions."

"Alright, seems fair enough."

"Alright, the members of your team are—"

"Wait. Stop. STOP. I have a STUPID TEAM?! Man, I told you that I hate teams. I am all solo!"

"Yeah, whatever. I don't give a shit about that. I can take someone else. So have a nice da—"

"SLOW down. Just wait. Let me think about it okay?"

There is a pause in the conversation. After a few moments,

"Done? Tell your answer fast or else..."

"Alright. I am applying. But remember, if any member DIES, it is NOT my RESPONSIBILITY whatsoever."

"I agree. The team will meet you by tomorrow. I'll send you the link to the team group, and then you tell them the location of the meeting. Signing out..."

Call ended. As you can tell, Jash was not so warmed-up toward teamwork. *Pop* A notification popped up on his mobile. "Okay. So, here the FUN begins! I should give them the new location though. Of course, not the one I used for my previous missions."

He made his way to his friend. But what he saw after that, completely shed him in terror. Darell lying unconscious, with a person standing in front, who seemed to be the one who did it. But Jash still tried to talk the matter off.

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