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Jash remarked, "Alright, so first of all, listen to me. I have a feeling, that this case will be going very deep. Their plan might be something, we can't even expect. Be careful with everything you do. It could be a game-changer for us if we will be doing our investigation at a faster process. And of course, eliminating the enemy. But for that, we need to approximately guess their plan. I may not be sure about their plan that I am assuming..."

Everyone shouted, "Just tell. We need the most information. Even if it is not 100% accurate."

Jash looked at them with big eyes.

"Uh... Carry on, Jash?"

Jash explained, "Okay, so... you see how the enemy, *Ahem* Mr Mysterious started by attacking a small organization, the CIG. But give it a thought. He could've easily eliminated the president and controlled the county, which I'm sure his motive is... Though he had already planned how he would control the country in a step-wise manner...

Briefing it, first, he thought; if he could eliminate the CIG, and move on with assassinating the President, no one would be able to backfire him. Following that, he first killed Daniel Stapleton and the other officials including Goder Frank. And with the CIG disintegrating, then he would easily be able to assassinate the President. And later process of controlling the world is pretty easy. But I am not sure, if he is the leader of his terrorist group or if he is working under someone. Supposing he is working under someone, then their actual leader must be immensely powerful. Though, their main problem was that they made too many mistakes. First of all, he didn't think about us, the FSA. Secondly, Mr Mysterious was too late in assassinating Goder Frank, who had already provided the Intel to us. And last but not least is the use of unknown weapons. But I must say, don't get an overhead by hearing these, when we make our move against them, they will instantly be alerted about the opposition we will be doing."

Luigi asked, "Understood. But according to what you have said, we should have attacked him right?"

Jash laughs, "Yeah, why didn't we?", Jash yelled, "Do YOU know where he lives? Or WHEN he's going to ASSASSINATE?"

Luigi had no answer. Everybody chuckled.

Jash further added, "Leaving that aside, here's the last thing, nothing of a serious issue, is that we need to figure out how he vanished, along with finding more intel about him. I do wish to know the secret behind his disappearance. But it could be a rumour."

Jash ordered, "Anyways, everybody, ready up! We're starting the investigation. I want you guys to check EVERY corner of this building. Not even a drawer should be left unchecked, anything can be of huge help. And as an exception for Elsy, she'll stay in the trailer and provide the information she can through her methods. And for her protection, just in case, Luigi's also staying with her."

The team agreed, "Understood."

Jash yelled, "Start searching for clues! And if you find anything SUSPICIOUS, just speak through that earplug in your ear, and report to me. MOVE!"

Everybody started searching everywhere. They tried to find clues in every place. From the head offices to the bathrooms. No rooms were left. But nothing seemed to be working. They were all tired...

Langton remarked, "*Sigh* Jash, we cannot find anything that would interest you. Just blood and chaos around the furniture. I am surprised, that the government haven't built up the courage to clean this place up. Now, what do we do?"

Jash sighed, "*Pfft* My bad. I thought you guys could help me a little bit. But that's what I'm here for. Come with me."

He took the team upstairs.

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