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Jash was stunned, "What the actual—I knew it! Those are some unknown weapons! Formation A-7! That device is our Top priority! Try to snatch it away from him while shooting to keep him busy! I gotta think of a plan real quick." Jash, though panicking, tried to remain as calm as he could. He inhaled. "Alright... Now show me your secrets, you damn murderer." He started observing every move of the killer. He was able to figure out, that the killer was trying really hard, probably to keep the device working. Being constantly focusing too hard. It also seemed to be tiring him quite a bit.

"Maybe he controls it through his mind?" thought Jash. This left him with the only option he could think of.

"We need to distract him." came blatantly from Jash. He yelled,

"What is your prime motive? What is the reason for you to rule the world? This is the last warning, you have to stop!"

"Why can't you stop? Just let me remove all of your existence. Don't try young man, and get a silent, peaceful death..." said the killer, in a creepy tone.

"Ugh... This is hopeless. I cannot do anything without any info!" thought Jash. He started brainstorming his mind for a solution.

"Tch, of course. Ian! You really gotta give me that right NOW!" shouted Jash, while keeping Zendevous busy with the soldiers.

"Wait... You don't mean... What will you even do with that? You don't even know how to use it!" said Ian. Jash stared at him for a moment.

"*Sigh* Here you go." said Ian, and gave him the Royal Knife.

Even I'm not aware that there was an original version of such a deadly device in the ancient time on Earth. It looks like the original knife, which I thought was in the CWM, was also a copy of the actual device, being held by Jash. It is a destined moment for them since they had found it. It is a surprise that no one suspected it of being a weapon.

The Royal Knife suddenly started glowing. I am not sure, but I think it was due to it being in a connection with the replica held by Zendevous.

"Huh? What's that thing in your hands? And... Why is it glowing... With my weapon?" asked Zendevous. He was in shock.

And in that small moment, his mind stopped focusing on the Royal Knife. Yes. The barrier which was protecting him went down. Bullets, which were being sprayed by the army started closing in on him. His left arm got pierced by the bullets. He eventually came back into his sane state. The barrier again started working.

"What the heck? You guys... Wait, you guys actually shot me? My ARM?! You GODDAMN BASTARDS!" shouted Zendevous. He suddenly started making some moves with his right arm, while holding the Royal Knife.

"What is he even doing? Wait, wait. No... What the... The blood has stopped flowing from his arm... Don't tell me... Did he HEAL THEM?!" shouted Jash.

"No one has ever been able to entertain me to this extent. Now allow me to entertain YOU!" declared Zendevous, and started moving towards Jash and his team. The army tried to stop him with their hands as they were out of ammo. "Ugh... you damn ants. I've played with you guys already, and I'm ANGRY. DIE!" shouted Zendevous, and swung his Royal Knife which extended its length, to cut through all the soldiers. He began proceeding to Jash, leaning his weapon to the ground, making a screeching sound.

Jash suddenly noticed the soldiers and the bloodshed. He was confused. "That sheer amount of bloodshed! But, why... The wound those soldiers have got isn't really that intense. The blood is too much. Is it fake? Are the soldiers pretending to be dead...?"

"Ba-Back off! Ian! Langton!"

"Retreating is our only option! Our WHOLE army's dead! We are powerless!" replied both of them.

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