19. Fire

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We were halfway into the movie when Pope and JJ stand up abruptly, earning a few complaints from the people behind us.

"Where are you two going?" I ask.

"We need to wring it out" JJ says, pacing as if he had been holding it in for a while.

I laugh.

"What? Are you two going to hold each others dicks?" Kie says.

"Hey! We don't ask questions when girls go to the bathrooms together" JJ retorts.

"That's different! We-".

"Okay I don't need a lecture Kie! I gotta go" JJ interrupts. "I'm about to explode".

And with that, the boys make their way to a tree located behind the movie screen. 

Kiara and I giggle at the boys waddling around the crowd.

Why didn't they just use the bathroom? 

I turn in the direction of the bathroom and realize the problem.

Rafe, Topper, and Kelce.

Once they see the two pogues head behind the movie screen, they also make their way over.

Something wasn't right.

I gently nudge Kie who follows my eyes and realizes the situation. We stand up to investigate with caution.

Once we were behind the movie screen, we stared in shock at what was happening. A fist fight between the kooks and the pogues.

"Fuck! I didn't bring the gun" Kie panics.


"You brought a GUN to a movie?!" I yell.

"JJ did! He put it in his bag" Kie says before turning around and sprinting to her car. "I'll be right back".

"Wait! Don't go!" I shout, but she was already gone.

I turn my attention back to the group of boys and notice the damage they had done to each other. I could see that the kooks had a slight advantage to the fight with Kelce getting involved so I try to make it even and run over to Topper. 

I jump on his back and put him into a headlock but It didn't last long as I was pulled by my waist and thrown to the floor. 

Rafe was standing above me

"Don't get involved y/n!" He demands, pointing his finger at me to stay put.

Coming to my defense, Pope runs up behind Rafe and punches the kook in the head, causing him to stumble to the side. 

As much as I appreciate Pope, he seriously needed some fighting lessons because Rafe seemed unfazed. 

Rafe and Pope go at it again and I stand up, ready to give Topper another go.

I don't know why I was targeting Topper.

Probably because he was the only other person there at the Island club with Rafe that day.

I had no reason to attack Kelce personally and it was almost too personal with Rafe.

"Don't fucking do it y/n!" Rafe shouts angrily, knowing exactly what I was about to do.

He had pure rage in his eyes and so I stop in my tracks, unsure of what I should do. He was on top of Pope, holding the boy by the collar and his fist in the air, about to punch the shit out of the pogue.

What do I do?

If I jump on Topper, Pope will pay for it.

If I don't, JJ gets hurt.

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